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Why is my tablet not working with my earphones? |
2 Respuestas 3 Puntaje |
Why does my samsung tab keep dropping my home wifi signal |
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My tablet looks cracked when I turn it on but the screen itself isnt |
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Why does my samsung look as if it is cracked on the inside but its not |
Estas son algunas de las herramientas comunes que se utilizaron para trabajar en este dispositivo. Es posible que no necesites todas las herramientas para cada procedimiento.
If you are having difficulties with the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Lite, please refer to the troubleshooting page.
The Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Lite was released January 16, 2014. Being a part of the 3rd generation of Samsung tablets, this version is a trimmed down version of the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3. This model is identifiable by lacking a front-facing camera.
The Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Lite is a tablet that is highly portable and its small design allows it to be easily carried and transported without losing much in performance. With its 7" LCD touchscreen, it has 1.2 GHz CPU, 2 MP camera, and WiFi, it didn't lose much performance-wise from the non-lite Galaxy Tab 3 while being smaller and lighter.
The Galaxy Tab 3 Lite was replaced by the Galaxy Tab 4 in May 2014.
Additional Information
Wikipedia: Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7.0
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 Support Page