Is time to battery change

CycleCount: 317

DesignCapacity: 1430

FullChargeCapacity: 1400

Status: Success

BatteryCurrentCapacity: 56

BatteryIsCharging: true

ExternalChargeCapable: true

ExternalConnected: true

FullyCharged: false

GasGaugeCapability: true

HasBattery: true

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i am not sure changing the battery will solve this issue (CycleCount: 317) is not high at all ... is the phone getting warm ?

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Not at all it remains cool always

i had off all the locations services,background app,and other things which can probably draine my battery but still it is so week

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If it feels like it drains way too fast then you should replace it with a good quality battery like ones from, not really sure of any other good suppliers for iPhone 4s batteries as they are hard to find.

I find out that a lot of iPhone 4S batteries on eBay are either second hand, used or refurbished. It is very hard to find brand new ones.

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