Como quitar la tarjeta SIM del iPhone de 1ª generación.
Qué necesitas
Inserta una herramienta de expulsión de la tarjeta SIM o un clip en el orificio junto a la toma de auriculares.
Presiona el clip para papel hasta que salte la bandeja de la tarjeta SIM.
Para volver a ensamblar tu dispositivo, sigue estas instrucciones en orden inverso.
Para volver a ensamblar tu dispositivo, sigue estas instrucciones en orden inverso.
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7 comentarios
Try with a little strap cut out from a radiology exam sheet. Put it inside the sim tray and try to open again. It works.
What sim did you use?
To remove the SIM, insert the end of a SIM eject tool or a small thin paper clip into the hole on the SIM tray. Press firmly and push the tool straight in until the tray pops out.
neuronetix - Contestar
I put the SIM card back in, and the slide to unlock does not work.
dean -
The only carrier to accept this iPhone was AT&T, they have discontinued use of that baseband. Nobody else in the world except for early renegade reverse engineers such as Geohot can get the device to work as a really old iPod no use unlocking the device because the technology inside the most recently OEM sold/refurbed iPhone 1st gen fails universally. You should only buy a screen assembly and snap it onto the back and call it a dummy phone and put it in a museum.
Alexander Weinhart - Contestar