Por años, hemos visto cómo evoluciona y crece el iPhone. Comenzó como sólo el iPhone. Pronto, pas a ser 3G, ganó una S (la perdería y volvería a ganar cada dos años), e incluso aprendió a leer huellas dactilares. Años de duro trabajo y dedicación han hecho del iPhone lo que es hoy, el iPhone 6 Plus. Únete a nosotros en directo a medida que exploramos este magnífico iPhone 6 Plus.
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Qué necesitas
Damas y caballeros, el momento ha llegado. Hoy, nos encontramos entre unos pocos elegidos a la sombra de un coloso, el iPhone 6 Plus. ¿Pero qué hace especial a este gran teléfono? Nos alegra que pregunte:
Procesador Apple A8 con arquitectura de 64 bits
Coprocesador de movimiento M8 de segunda generación
Capacidad de almacenamiento de 16, 64, o 128 GB
Pantalla de Retina HD de 5.5 pulgadas 1920x1080 píxeles (401 ppi)
Cámara de 8 MP iSight (con 1.5μ píxeles, autoenfoque para detección de fase, y estabilización óptica de la imagen) y una cámara FaceTime de 1.2 MP
Botón de inicio con sensor de huellas dactilares Touch ID, barómetro, giroscopio de 3 ejes, acelerómetro, sensor de luz ambiental
802.11a / b / g / n / ac Wi-Fi + Bluetooth 4.0 + NFC + LTE de 20 bandas
Ya había 50 personas en fila ayer alrededor de las 13:00 hora local de Australia.
A las 7 de la mañana había cerca de un millar de personas en fila.
Nuestro equipo de desmontaje tenía 53 personas en línea, y la tienda de Apple sólo tenía 40 modelos iPhone 6 Plus en stock.
Pero bueno, no se preocupe - Tenemos en nuestras manos un iPhone 6 Plus, y ello gracias a un maravilloso fanático de iFixit australiano llamado Ricky. Gracias Ricky!
Después de nuestra pequeña aventura en Apple Store, volvimos inmediatamente a MacFixIt Australia, donde se hacía el desmontaje. Queremos dar un gran agradecimiento a nuestros buenos amigos en MacFixIt Australia por dejarnos usar su oficina. Ellos almacenan actualizaciones y accesorios Mac y iPhone, y distribuyen nuestros herramientas iFixit.
Al igual que las 5s iPhone, el iPhone 6 Plus está disponible en tres colores diferentes: Plateado, Dorado, y Gris Espacial. Por supuesto que nos escogimos el dorado.
El iPhone 6 Plus se identifica por su número de modelo: A1524.
Para disgusto de algunos críticos, ambos modelos de iPhone 6 cuentan con una clara parte “sobresaliente” en la cámara. Parece que Apple no pudo disminuir el espesor del sensor de la cámara para mantenerlo a ras del resto del chasis.
Al igual que el HTC One M8, el iPhone 6 Plus cuenta con dos líneas de antena de plástico en la carcasa. Estas líneas ayudan a la recepción inalámbrica la cual, de otro modo, estaría bloqueada por una carcasa totalmente metálica.
I'm pretty sure the lens cover is no longer made of sapphire. Can you guys confirm that?
Apple's technical specification explicitly states that it IS sapphire.
Herramienta utilizada en este paso:iSclack$24.99
Es la hora iSclack! Esta práctica herramienta nos permite retirar fácilmente el ensamblaje de la pantalla de la carcasa trasera.
Como no encontramos explosivos, procedemos a abrir nuestro pequeño cofre del tesoro de oro.
Al igual que los antiguos iPhone, los cables del ensamblaje de la pantalla están asegurados sobre la placa lógica mediante un soporte de metal.
El ensamblaje del botón de inicio está fijado por un soporte de metal. El retirar el soporte nos permite sacar el botón de inicio del ensamblaje del panel frontal con facilidad.
This design is on-par with last year's home button—modular, if a bit time-consuming to get to in the event of a repair.
La cámara frontal es parte de un ensamblaje de cables más grande, que incluye el parlante del auricular. Ambos se encuentran en el ensamblaje del panel frontal.
My iphone 6 plus has a webbed screen however everything works 100%. I bought a replacement "glass front screen" off ebay and attempted to replace it yesterday. It appears that the front glass screen is glued onto the backplate. Can you confirm? I can provide an image of the screen I bought on ebay if that helps. Thanks
Retiro de la placa de metal del ensamblaje del panel frontal
In a big win for repairability, Apple has completely redesigned how the home button connects to the main board. Gone is the awkwardly short and fragile cable of the iPhone 5s days. Instead, Apple has made the effort to run the home button cable all the way to the opposite end of the phone. We're quite happy to see this improvement!
Apple is most likely primarily focused on the ease of assembly rather than ease of repair.
Exactly. A short cable that has to be attached like the iPhone 5S means a time-robbing assembly step that's done in tight situations.
Making the cable long may cost 10 cents more in materials costs, but if it saves the worker 20 seconds of time, it increases manufacturing throughput of that worker and thus makes up for the extra cost.
El siguiente paso lógico es retirar la batería del iPhone 6 Plus.
El conector de la batería está cubierto por un soporte de metal, con el que prescindimos del uso de nuestras pinzas de metal.
Esto es lo que sabemos sobre las lengüetas adhesivas de la batería del iPhone: jale bien, y es muy fácil; jale mal, y es el fin del mundo.
Este adhesivo es similar a un adhesivo Command 3M, y cuando se usted jala la lengüeta correctamente, retira toda la tira.
Is it Possible to remove the Logic Board right after removing the screen without having to remove the battery or anything else?
Después de decir las palabras mágicas, la batería milagrosamente sale de la caja posterior.
Entre la batería más grande y las mejoras en la eficiencia de energía, Apple promociona un tiempo de conversación de hasta 24 horas en 3G, y de 384 horas en espera.
La batería Plus es más grande que la batería de 6.91Wh, 1810 mAh del iPhone 6, lo que explica la vida más larga, a pesar de la pantalla más grande.
How much does the battery weigh ? Is the mA density per gram higher than previous generations ?
¡Esto es nuevo! ¡Tenemos algo nuevo! El ensamblaje del vibrador se encuentra situado a la derecha de la batería, debajo de la placa lógica.
¿Te acuerdas de Jimmy? Por supuesto que sí. Todo el mundo recuerda a Jimmy. Con la ayuda de Jimmy, abrimos el ensamblaje del vibrador.
¡Gracias Jimmy! En el interior, encontramos una delicada gama de bobinas de cobre, unidas a un motor de vibrador.
What kinds of vibrator? Looks different from the conventional. What are the dimensions of the vibrator?
i think its new apple made and we will see some similar in the apple watch (taptic engine)
3gfisch -
The vibrator isn't the common motor/counterweight type. It seems like a linear see-saw motor, using the magnets themselves as the moving masses.
La cámara, que da hacia atrás, sale fácilmente con un par de pinzas.
La parte posterior de la cámara iSight está etiquetada con la inscripción DNL 432 70566F MKLAB.
Al igual que el iPhone 5s, el 6 Plus cuenta con una cámara que da hacia atrás de 8 MP (con 1.5μ píxeles) y una apertura de ƒ / 2,2. El 6 Plus trae dos nuevas incorporaciones: estabilización óptica de imagen, y autoenfoque de detección de fase "Focus pixel".
it does not seem so
Step 17:
Constant readings from the gyroscope and the M8 motion coprocessor give the iPhone 6 Plus detailed data on the movements of your shaky human hands, allowing it to compensate by rapidly moving the lens assembly. Result: sharper, clearer photos, even in low-light environments.
I am still puzzled by the fact that both models have the M8 and MP67B chips. So, why do you say that OIS is only in the 6+ model?
Demos una miradita a la cámara que da hacia atrás.
Usando una herramienta de plástico y con dedos firmes, sacamos el alojamiento de la cámara.
While it may not look like much here, the updates found in the iPhone 6 Plus's camera (along with the increased storage) have piqued the interest of amateur and indie filmmakers. We just hope this camera is ready for its closeup...
Una mirada más profunda al interior de la cámara que da hacia atrás.
Debajo del lente vemos el sensor de la cámara.
La característica principal que diferencia a esta cámara de la estándar en el iPhone 6 es la 'estabilización de imagen óptica -una tecnología que ya hemos visto antes. El elemento del lente de la izquierda está anidado en una pequeña rejilla de metal, impulsada de un lado a otro por las bobinas electromagnéticas que rodean el sensor a la derecha.
Las lecturas constantes del giroscopio y del co-procesador de movimiento M8 le dan al iPhone 6 Plus una información detallada de los movimientos de sus temblorosas manos humanas, lo que le permite compensar moviendo el ensamblaje del lente rápidamente. Resultado: fotos más nítidos, más claras, incluso en lugares con poca luz.
Vamos a identificar algunos circuitos integrados en la parte frontal de la placa lógica:
Apple A8 APL1011 SoC + Elpida 1 GB LPDDR3 RAM (como se indica mediante las marcas EDF8164A3PM-GD-F)
Modem Qualcomm MDM9625M LTE
Skyworks 77802-23 PAD LTE de banda baja
Avago A8020 PAD de banda Alta
Avago A8010 PA + FBARs de banda ultra alta
Módulo amplificador de potencia TriQuint TQF6410 3G EDGE
Conjunto de giroscopio InvenSense MP67B de 6 ejes y acelerómetro
who won the gyro/accelerometer???
Invensense !
Piy -
It looks like there is another accelerometer right next to the IMU... Might be that they are having problems with Invensense?
Is there a small Qualcomm IC next to the Avago and Skyworks parts with a QFE 11xx number?
You're correct Chris! It's a Qualcomm QFE1100.
yeah, the bosch sensor is missing in the teardown:
hmm778 -
Parte posterior de la placa lógica.
Flash SK Hynix H2JTDG8UD1BMS 128 Gb (16 GB) NAND
Módulo WiFi Murata 339S0228
Circuito integrado de manejo de energía Apple/Dialog 338S1251-AZ
Controlador de pantalla táctil Broadcom BCM5976
Microcontroladores NXP LPC18B1UK ARM Cortex-M3 (también conocidos como Coprocesadores de Movimiento M8)
Módulo NFC NXP 65V10 + elemento seguro (Es muy probable que contenga un controlador NXP PN544 NFC en el interior)
Chip transceptor Qualcomm WTR1625L RF
NFC is not connected to the battery right? It could never be used to wirelessly charge correct?
That's correct.
holy crap you guys getting nerd hard ons ... where the F#$ is my pocket protector %#*@ IT ALL!!!
Big business. For instance Invensense in iPhones for first time ever. If they are in the 6 also, that is 200+million chips sold over the next year. Revenues/Cash Flow up. Buy some stock(hopefully you already owned some or atleast some calls)! This teardown represents billions of dollars.....the question is who's making it. Its not all about iPhones and pocket protectors....its more about making stacks and stacks of money. One day you will figure it out.
dt40 -
OK, looks like M8 is an LPC18B1UK as stated....
any view of the NFC antenna?
any fix for tactil bug?
Variant: A 128GB model uses proprietary Toshiba (now Kioxia) NAND instead of SK Hynix.
Más circuitos integrados en la parte posterior de la placa lógica.
Chip adicional sólo para recepción WFR1620. Qualcomm afirma que el WFR1620 es "necesario para la ejecución de agregación de portadoras con WTR1625L."
Circuito integrado de manejo de energía PM8019 Qualcomm
Transmisor táctil Texas Instruments 343S0694
Interfaz NFC AMS AS3923 potenciado.
Audio codec Cirrus Logic 338S1201
Nuestro más sincero agradecimiento a nuestros amigos en Chipworks por ayudarnos a identificar toda esta tecnología. ¡Definitivamente no podríamos haberlo hecho sin ellos!
Does anyone know how much the AMS chip costs (ballpark)?
The guys from NFCworld found the ams chip now:
Seems you cannot find it Googling for it.
From the block diagram it seems the AS3923 is connecting to the antenna not the NFC controller.
Fits to the description saying that the chip is replacing the drivers of the controller.
They also mention to support peer to peer and other modes so we can hope for more than just payment it seems ;) Cant wait to get one...
There is the Barometer below the SanDisk NAND Flash. Looks like a BMP from Bosch Sensortec
yeah, the bosch sensor is missing in the teardown:
hmm778 -
Do other phone manufacturers use an NFC booster or is this unique to IP6?
A continuación el parlante del iPhone 6 Plus.
Se aprecia una modularidad en el diseño del parlante, aun cuando sus marcas son inescrutables. Los orígenes de fabricación de este parlante siguen en secreto, por ahora.
On the lower-left corner of the front of the speaker (second image, can't tell if front or back, guessing front), you can see what looks like a QR code and a serial number, but that's just out of focus enough so it's impossible to make out.
The barcode reads DXY43443115G34YAU dun think you can decipher anything from it.
lawrence -
El ensamblaje conector de iluminación se compone de la toma de auriculares, el conector de iluminación, y unos cuantos conectores de antena.
Los paquetes de cables como este son muy buenos en términos de ahorro de espacio, pero no tan buenos cuando la toma de sus auriculares decide que no le gusta que lo jalen todos los días.
Al acercarnos al final del desmontaje, encontramos tanto el ensamblaje de cables planos del botón de encendido y el ensamblaje de cables plano de los botones de volumen.
Ambos ensamblajes tienen componentes minúsculos sobre cables delgados y frágiles como luces centelleantes.
re: SYX2 - get it? the industrial design team name for the case is SYX 2 i.e. the 6.2 inches in length of the case.
I really don't get it still...
Wow, that took me an embarrassingly longtime to get syx (six) 2 (two).
Aquí sólo presionamos botones, así que nos llamó la atención esta nueva y atractiva cubierta que rodea el botón de encendido.
Cubiertas similares rodean los botones de volumen. En conjunto, esto parece representar un avance hacia una mayor resistencia al agua/polvo, y por lo tanto mejora la durabilidad.
Those ugly plastic stripes / inlays / antenna break-throughs – are the replaceable? Any chance anybody will offer a replacement for them which better meet the metal colors?
Does either iPhone 6 actually feature official water resistance to any degree?
Hemos matado al gigante. El iPhone 6 Plus obtuvo un respetable siete de diez, una mejora con respecto al iPhone 5s. He aquí por qué:
Continuando con la tendencia de la serie de iPhone 5, el ensamblaje de la pantalla sale primero del teléfono, lo que simplifica las reparaciones de la pantalla.
La batería es fácil de acceso. Retirarla requiere un destornillador pentalobe exclusivo y conocimiento de la técnica de eliminación del adhesivo, pero no es difícil.
El cable del sensor de huellas digitales está re-enrutado, solucionando así un gran problema de reparación con los iPhone 5s y hace que el teléfono sea mucho más seguro de abrir. (En los 5, el cable se rompe fácilmente si un usuario no tiene cuidado al abrir el teléfono.)
El iPhone 6 Plus sigue utilizando tornillos patentados Pentalobe en el exterior, lo que requiere un destornillador especial para retirarlos.
Apple no comparte información de reparación para el iPhone 6 Plus con los talleres de reparación independientes o con los consumidores.
Whoops... fixed! :)
The battery though....
But can you put it back together?
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86 comentarios
If this has 1GB of RAM, it's going to be bricked like iPhone 3G, iPhone 4 with 3GS specs and 4x pixels can't run iOS7, like iPhone 4S can't handle iOS8, like iPad 1's 256MB of RAM, like iPad 3 with 4x pixels on iPad 2 specs. iPhone 5 will run iOS11 fine with 1GB and iPhone 6 Plus will lag with less available memory.
the problem of iphone 4/4s aint the memory is the processor, unlike android, ios pause all the applications and tasks that are running on the background otherwise the applications on android are still rinning on the background thatswhy android need more processing power and memory to hold the entire system.
Ram of CPU is 1 GB
Macworld didn't confirm it. They said it appears to be 1GB.
Android Users be like: Please let it be 1 gig memory...Apple Users like: Oh no,hopefully he does not scratch it.
Shame that Android users weren't bright enough to realise that a phone based of [a ripoff] Java machine is going to need absurd amounts of memory. Which is why Android phones fail so badly when the user runs multiple applications.
iPhone 6 4.7 inch model teardown too? Or only Plus for now? Even thought it's the same internals on the board it's a different design after that.
We're doing the 6 Plus first. Fret not, the iPhone 6 isn't getting off the hook. :)
16 stands for 16Gb=2GB
'8' stands for 8Gb=1GB (for 2GB SDRAM, the part no. will be 'A')
"64" stands for 64-bit data width (for 32-bit SDRAM, the part no. will be "32")
The datasheet of Elpida SDRAM can be found here:
Benson -
F8164A3PM had 0 results. You should've said EDF8164A3PM. Thanks for the link!
Where do you see that in this article?
fish -
It's on the A8 chip. Step 15, image 2.
Ah, unfortunate. This is my first iphone, !&&* my last android I bought a bit over two years ago had double the ram of this. Oh well, so it goes
fish -
The part no. of SDRAM (F8164A3PM-GD-F) can be found on the right of Apple A8 SOC.
According to the datasheet, F is the product family (Mobile LPDDR3 SDRAM); A is the power supply interface (1.8V and 1.2V); 3 is the revision; PM is the package code.
This SDRAM should be a customized product with customized package (the SDRAM in Apple A7 SOC is F8164A1PD while the standard part no. is F8164A1MA).
Benson -
Benson, you made it on MacRumors, congrats.
Will they open the A8 SoC to check suppliers???
ram is 1gb, been confirmed by many, here's one
Is the speaker louder than the iPhone 5s?
InvenSense did indeed supply the gyro/accelerometer.
Does anyone know where you can buy that camera assembly?
Take look at the position of the pressure sensor:
can you check to see if the camera ring is magnetic in anyway ?? there was a patent filed back in jan 2014 for a similar magnetic ring by apple. and the ring is what ether keeps the camera steady or what holds on different lenses. i think this is maybe why the camera protrudes.
dt40 please elaborate on this "making fat stacks". You have my attention...
Could you identify display manufacturer?
I'm amazed at how people do not understand RAM usage in a modern OS. Android still suffers from outdated methods, so it needs more RAM. iOS and WP do not need more RAM. More RAM would provide zero benefit.
Tell that to me next time your safari tabs reload after you load 3 simultaneously.
Be reasonable Scott. If he was bright enough to understand that, he wouldn't have bought Android in the first place.
Android can do more at once, its not an outdated method, its flexibility. iOS and WP are simpler, which suits their userbase..
chrisM -
He's right. Java requires an absurd amount of RAM since it is an interpreted language, meaning that your phone has to recompile an application every few seconds! But iPhone runs on C++ which is super conservative with ram and in all honesty, all iPhone apps only need at max 312mb of ram while Android uses the whole lot.
My A7 can handle over 20 tabs at once and never lag- Apple for the win :)
The USB 3 extension, USB Type-C will attempt to bring USB 3 up to the level of the Lightning connector.
Step 17:
Constant readings from the gyroscope and the M8 motion coprocessor give the iPhone 6 Plus detailed data on the movements of your shaky human hands, allowing it to compensate by rapidly moving the lens assembly. Result: sharper, clearer photos, even in low-light environments.
I am still puzzled by the fact that both models have the M8 and MP67B chips. So, why do you say that OIS is only in the 6+ model?
The best part about the iPhone 6 plus is it's size. I think Apple are really out there satisfying two variants of customers - those who prefer large screens and those who are comfortable with the smaller screens. Also, I kinda found this awesome site that is already giving them away in Dubai before everyone else. You guys should check em' out -
Why are people so caught up on the RAM? It's like assuming that a V6 engine is going to be better than a turbo charged 4-cylinder solely because it has more cylinders. It's all about what you can do with it. Yeah, the iPhone 6 only has 1GB of RAM but with Apple's know-how it's like getting the speed & performance of a V8 but with the gas mileage of a 4-cylinder engine. It's win-win. It's great that your phone has 4 or more GB of RAM but that doesn't stop my 1GB phone from blowing your battery covers off in the Geek Bench 1/4 mile.
Where is the memory card?
Is this true? anyone heard or read about this? please confirm if you have time
Apple's website seems to suggest the various flavours of iPhone 6 Plus have support from 3 up to 6 separate mobile standards (A1522 vs. A1524 vs. CDMA vs. GSM flavours). From the chips you saw in the teardown, do you think the various support indicates hardware variations for each model? Or do you think the hardware is the same for all models, and the flavours are a result of the regional firmware installed?
LCD Display Digitizer Touch Screen Extension Testing Flex Cable for iPhone 6 Plus at
LCD Display Digitizer Touch Screen Extension Testing Flex Cable at
Which Bluetooth Chipset is used in 6 Plus
Beau boulot Cool !☺
They know all we care about is the RAM. But its been largely already confirmed to be 1 gig, probably 99% confirmed.
Does anybody know where the 2247-A grounding connector belongs?
Is anyone familiar with the " field test" mode which displays received signal strength in dBm? If so I'm trying to determine which module in the assembly performs this function.
Can you put the insides from a iPhone 6 into a 6 plus?
Did anyone answer your question? I have been extremely curious about that because I have both phones. I've been looking everywhere but not official answer
Sare -
No, you can’t. The components may be similar-looking, but they are not compatible.
Hola, he adquirido una bateria nueva en ifixit para el iphone 6 plus y queria saber si despues de haberla instalado en el telefono, hay que reiniciarlo o conectarlo a itunes?
Gracias un saludo
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I have been using your Ifixit tutorials for ages. They are by far the most reliable when needing a guide on complicated repairs!