Resetting your refrigerator compressor really only consists of unplugging or disconnecting power from your unit, waiting, and reconnecting, with a few other steps.
You should also ensure that your fridge hasn't accidentally been put into a display mode, meant for showroom units. This will often be signified by the temperature displays showing 00 or the like. The compressor will not run in those circumstances.
Unplug the Refrigerator
You can disconnect your fridge from its power source by removing the power cord from the wall outlet or by flipping the correct circuit breaker in the breaker panel.
- There may be whooshing or knocking noises, which is normal.
- Remain unplugged for 10 minutes.
- Plug the refrigerator in or turn on the circuit breaker.
Reset Fridge and Freezer Temperature Settings
Return your control panel to the appropriate cold setting. This may be 4 or 5 on a 1-10 scale or simply be labeled “cold.”
- Wait for the temperature to stabilize. Depending on the model, this may take more than 24 hours, so be patient.
- If your compressor will not start again, try adjusting the controls to colder settings to see if it will start. Wait for some time, as the refrigerator could be in the midst of a defrost cycle, and the compressor won't run when it is defrosting.
6 comentarios
Angelina Nobile - Contestar
Did you try everything on this list, and that’s why it wasn’t helpful?
What symptoms are you having?
nicO -
Refrigerator control board on front lights are flashing
Jeff H - Contestar
How to reset a control board on front of a Maytag refrigerator
Jeff H - Contestar
cleaned the condenser coil plugged back in for approximately 16 hrs still no cold . Do you really need 24 hrs before you get some coldness
John paul Caissie - Contestar
Experience that may help (at least with certain LG and Samsung units) with resets. First, the unit may need to be off for more than ten minutes-sometimes I have had success with 30-60 minutes. Second, with resets, you may need to cut the power two or three times before the reset works (that is, repeat the process). (Samsung especially-wrote the company complaining about this.) When executing a power reset, I unplug anything else on the refrigerator circuit and flip the circuit breaker off in addition to unplugging it as this can help if there is some other wiring or device issue for those of us who lack dedicated refrigerator circuits.
The underlying point here is that modern refrigerators usually have a (crap) circuit board and it may help to think of it as a balky computer or modem that sometimes needs rebooting: With a refrigerator you may be resetting the controls, the compressor, the board, or all three.
ttu - Contestar