Si tu refrigerador Frigidaire ya no produce hielo, pero el dispensador de agua aún funciona (o solo funciona lentamente), ¡no pierdas la calma! Este es un problema común. Sigue leyendo para conocer las causas subyacentes más comunes y las soluciones para que tu máquina de hielo vuelva a funcionar.
Si necesitas un ensamblaje de máquina de hielo de repuesto, iFixit ofrece varios de los ensamblajes más comunes.
Causa 1: Interruptor de la fábrica de hielo apagado
Si la fábrica de hielo del refrigerador no funciona, verifica el interruptor de la fábrica de hielo. Este interruptor se apaga con frecuencia por accidente. Si el interruptor está encendido pero la fábrica de hielo sigue sin funcionar, verifica la continuidad del interruptor con un ohmímetro. Reemplaza según sea necesario.
Causa 2: la temperatura del congelador supera los 10 grados F (-12 C)
Siempre que tu máquina de hielo deje de funcionar, verifica la temperatura del congelador. Si la temperatura del congelador es superior a 10 grados F (-12 C), la fábrica de hielo no funcionará correctamente. Funciona mejor cuando la temperatura del congelador se establece entre 0 y 5 grados F (-18 a -15 C). Si la temperatura del congelador es demasiado alta, asegúrate de que el serpentín del condensador esté limpio y que el ventilador del condensador esté funcionando para enfriar el condensador y el compresor. Verifica si hay escarcha en el serpentín del evaporador: si se acumula demasiada escarcha, el aire no puede circular a través del serpentín y deberás revisar los componentes de descongelación para ver si fallan.
Causa 3: Sello de puerta defectuoso
Otra razón por la que la temperatura puede ser inestable se debe a un sello de puerta defectuoso. Sin un buen sello, las temperaturas se vuelven inestables y el aire caliente se filtra por la puerta de alimentos frescos. Cuando el sensor de temperatura detecta el aire más cálido, el controlador mantiene el compresor funcionando horas extras para mantener la temperatura correcta de 37 grados para los alimentos frescos. Este enfriamiento excesivo hace que la temperatura del congelador caiga muy "por debajo" de cero, lo que congelará la punta del tubo de agua que proporciona agua a la fábrica de hielo.
Ten en cuenta que para que la puerta succione y selle correctamente, las puertas deben cerrarse automáticamente para que su propio peso ayude a mantener el sello. Los rodillos niveladores o las patas deben ajustarse para inclinar ligeramente el frigorífico hacia atrás. Cuando se hace un sello adecuado, dentro de las 24 horas, los ciclos de descongelación descongelarán el tubo de agua y comenzará la producción de hielo.
Causa 4: Filtro de agua obstruido
Si la fábrica de hielo del refrigerador no funciona, es posible que el filtro de agua esté obstruido. Prueba a cambiar el filtro de agua.
Causa 5: Presión de agua baja
Si la fábrica de hielo sigue sin funcionar, es posible que la presión del agua en la casa sea demasiado baja. La válvula de entrada de agua que suministra agua a la fábrica de hielo está diseñada para funcionar con un mínimo de 20 psi de presión de agua.
Causa 6: Interruptor de puerta defectuoso
Si la fábrica de hielo del refrigerador no funciona, es posible que el interruptor de la puerta esté defectuoso. Cuando se abre la puerta del congelador, el interruptor de la puerta del congelador hace dos cosas: enciende la luz del congelador y apaga la fábrica de hielo y el dispensador. Si el interruptor de la puerta falla, el dispensador no se encenderá. Se puede comprobar la continuidad del interruptor con un ohmímetro. Si no tiene continuidad, debe ser reemplazado.
Causa 7: Válvula de entrada de agua defectuosa
Si la temperatura es correcta pero la fábrica de hielo no funciona, es posible que la válvula de entrada de agua esté defectuosa. La válvula de entrada de agua es una válvula mecánica controlada eléctricamente que se abre para suministrar agua al dispensador y la fábrica de hielo. Si la válvula de entrada de agua está defectuosa o si tiene presión insuficiente, no permitirá que el agua fluya. Como resultado, la fábrica de hielo no producirá hielo.
La válvula requiere al menos 20 psi para funcionar correctamente. Asegúrate de que la presión del agua a la válvula sea de al menos 20 psi. Si la presión del agua es suficiente, utiliza un multímetro para comprobar la alimentación (continuidad) de la válvula de entrada de agua. Si la válvula de entrada de agua tiene suficiente presión y recibe energía, pero la fábrica de hielo no se llena de agua para hacer hielo, reemplaza la válvula de entrada de agua.
Causa 8: Ensamblaje defectuoso de la fábrica de hielo
Si la fábrica de hielo no funciona, es posible que el ensamblaje de la misma esté defectuoso. Hay varios componentes en el módulo de control de la fábrica de hielo que pueden fallar y la mayoría no se venden por separado. Además, las máquinas de hielo tienen una vida útil relativamente corta y es posible que no siempre valga la pena repararlas. Si se han descartado otras piezas más sencillas como la válvula de entrada de agua o el brazo de cierre, y solo queda la propia máquina de hielo, reemplázala como una unidad.
Causa 9: Placa de control de nivel de hielo
Si la fábrica de hielo no funciona, es posible que el panel de control del nivel de hielo esté defectuoso. El refrigerador está equipado con un haz de luz infrarroja para detectar el nivel de hielo en el cubo de hielo. A medida que el nivel de hielo alcanza la parte superior, el rayo se interrumpe y la fábrica de hielo se apaga. A medida que se agota el hielo y el nivel de hielo desciende por debajo del rayo, la fábrica de hielo se pone en marcha de nuevo. Si el tablero de control del nivel de hielo falla, la fábrica de hielo dejará de producir hielo.
Causa 10: Termostato del molde de la máquina de hielo
Si la fábrica de hielo no funciona, es posible que el termostato del molde de la fábrica de hielo esté defectuoso. Dentro del módulo de control de la fábrica de hielo hay un termostato que controla la temperatura del molde de hielo (bandeja de hielo). Una vez que el molde alcanza la temperatura adecuada, la máquina de hielo inicia un ciclo de recolección expulsando los cubitos de hielo y llenándolos con agua. Si el termostato del molde está defectuoso, la máquina de hielo no avanza. Se puede comprobar la continuidad del termostato. Reemplázalo según sea necesario. La temperatura del congelador debe estar entre 0 y 5 grados para un rendimiento óptimo.
Preguntas que otras personas han hecho sobre esto
- ice maker stopped making ice and water is slow
- Ice Maker Stopped Dumping Ice
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Problemas similares con el refrigerador Frigidaire
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82 comentarios
My ice maker is dripping water. It only stops whin I shut off the water supply.
Calvin - Contestar
I changed the ice maker’s water filter and now it won’t produce ice, It worked fine before I removed the old water filter I have re-inserted the new filter multiple times and it still will not fill or make ice any help is appreciated
Jeff Rosenberger - Contestar
I have this exact problem. did you find a solution?
Tara Zomok -
I have the same problem. It produces very little ice after changing the filter.
Rhonda Jacobson -
There is an ice fill adjustment screw. Mine is behind the white square cover on front of the ice maker. Turn screw half turn and let it run a day or two before making more adjustments
Tommy -
You probably inserted in wrong, but if you haven't there could be blockages in the tubing sort of thing between the ice maker and the filter. I also read that the "Ice maker switch" can be turned off accidentally. I don't know where the switch is but it's probably somewhere around the ice maker.
Dillon Martin -
Where the neck is the ice maker switch?!?
Penny Kemmerer - Contestar
There is ice in the bin. When I try to dispense cubes or crushed ice, the screen goes black and shuts down for a few seconds then comes back on. Nothing will dispense
garysusanedwards - Contestar
Mine has an ice build up from the back control panel inside the refrigerator ice maker. There was a tube with a plastic end piece dangling for some time never could find a diagram of where it went. Seemed to be a sensor and it kept making ice. The ice stopped being made yrs later amd the ice build up keeps growing even after ice maker was turned off.
dmslv02 - Contestar
The icemaker on our Frigidaire model FFHB2740PPBA quit working. Checked continuity on all the solenoid valves; no issues. Called the repair guy. When you remove the ice bucket, you will notice in the very back of the space a small, black, plastic fan. Ours had ice build-up on the frame of the fan stopping it from turning. If this fan doesn’t turn, the icemaker won’t function as it should. The repair guy suggested defrosting the refrigerator. Instead of doing that (we had no way to store the refrigerator contents), I used a small hair dryer and melted the ice from around the fan. Problem solved. CAUTION! DO NOT ALLOW ANY ELECTRICAL DEVICE TO COME INTO CONTACT WITH WATER UNLESS YOU’RE TIRED OF LIVING.
Charles Jones - Contestar
My frigidaire is about 4.5 years old the ice maker will not cycle any more it's getting water but I have to force it by hand to cycle or it will just keep a bach of ice in the maker and not dump it
woodynul - Contestar
Model FGHF2366 - Stops making ice (maker in the refrig) - : the ice maker assembly is fed from a small ‘spout’ in the top of the refrig, hidden from view with the assembly in place. 2 issues, there is a neoprene gasket on the assembly top that is designed to ensure the spout does not freeze - it presses against the inside top liner. It gets old and leaks air and causes the spout to freeze. You can replace (I bought some neoprene at Michaels and made my own). Second issue is when the weather gets cooler, even with that fix, and turning the temp of the refridg up, the spout will still freeze. I bought a 7watt reptile cage heater matt - like 5”x7” - and mounted that on the outside of the top of the entire refrig, just above the spot where the spout exists. Never freezes now. You might get by with a 4w .
Burt Smith - Contestar
My lower bar will not move to the on position.
Susan Nelson - Contestar
We didn’t use ice for about four months while away. Now the icemaker won’t make ice. Changed the water filter and it’s not making any ice at all. Refrigerator model LFHB2751TF5 is only about two years old.
Penny Hallenback - Contestar
(Penny) - Can you reach a finger into the ice tray to see if you have ice or water in there? If it is empty, try this: Take a hair dryer and aim it in the space between the top outsideof the ice maker assembly (box it all sits in) and the ‘ceiling’ of the refrig. about 1/2 between the front and the back of the ice maker box. The gap is at most 1/2” at that center point and less towards the front or back, but there should be a small space to blow hot air into. Try that for 7-10mins. Then give the icemaker 5-6 hours to get back in sync. If you have ice or water in the tray - your issues are more complex and most likely need a skilled repair person.
Burt Smith - Contestar
My frigidaire ice maker worked fine, then would not fill tray, replaced 3 solenoids in bottom, checked continuity on switches in ice maker, there r ok. What to try next
Charlrs Burton - Contestar
See my note on 13 Oct, sounds the same as I experienced. Metered all the lines, all fine, solenode fine. Feed tube freezing.
Burt Smith -
My Frigidaire Professional refrigerator lower icemaker has stopped making ice. The top one is working fine. It does this periodically. Filter is clean. What is causing this.
lwhit54 - Contestar
Mine stopped working after a blackout. The cubes in the maker’s tray had partially melted and refrozen, and jammed it. I turned off the freezer and remelted them with a hairdryer. It worked after I turned the freezer on again. (To access the tray I had to pull out the ice cream storage shelf.)
David Adler - Contestar
Inside of the refrigerator all the way to the back of that ice maker housing. It is getting food of ice. how can i fix that?
miralmo18 - Contestar
Ice maker will not make Ice , we can get water
dspecht62 - Contestar
Fridgidare ice maker is not working , we can get water
dspecht62 - Contestar
My ice maker is working fine it’s the water dispenser that is not working
Carol Lozada - Contestar
Frigidaire Gallery Ice maker stops. Once in a while the in fridge ice maker strops. The water dispenser works. When I take it all out I can get water to come from the spout at the top. The fins at the back and the copper where the thermistor attaches is all frosted up. If I thaw it out and reassemble it lasts for a few months then same thing. Is there a defrost of some kind that i can replace? or any other ideas. Dan
Dan Rivett - Contestar
I changed the water filter in my Frigidaire gallery series and now the ice maker won’t work , any suggestions?
jimdray2003 - Contestar
I am experiencing the same problem. But with a loud grinding noise. I changed my water filter and two days later my ice maker began making a loud noise. Up until then it had been making ice without any problems. I have the Gallery series refrigerator.
Pamela Glick -
Frigidaire - changed water filter, make ice twice but stopped again
Donna - Contestar
same here. you get any help yet?
Steve -
Hello, My Frigidaire LGHB2867PF7A Fresh Food Ice Maker is not dropping the ice. The Ice tray fills up with water and freezes but did not dump the ice and tried filling up with water again. I ran the Ice maker diagnotics and the tray seemed to rotate fine. Im not sure if I need to replace the ice maker or a different part. Any one have any suggestions?
wolfpacafa - Contestar
Frigidaire gallery won’t make ice changes filter and still nothing. Says door is shared even though it is closed. Husband checked door switch with ohm and all is fine there. Help fridge is only 2 years old
cathyleecavigielli - Contestar
@wolfpacafa - all ice makers have what is called a thermister (a thermal resisitor) that tell the maker when the water has fully frozen. Sounds like yours may not be working. You could try and pull it and if you have the skill and a meter, check it’s resitance - the device should have a specification at particular temps. Alternative - hope and replace. Here is an example of the type of device - you need one that is an exact match of course.
Burt Smith - Contestar
Would it be the one in the fridge or the freezer for the Ice maker in the Refrigerator? I have an ice maker in the refrigerator and one in the freezer. The Ice Maker have issues is in the refrigerator.
wolfpacafa -
My ice maker doesn’t work but the water dispenser works very well so, it isn't a water pressure nor a water filter issue.
mona ebiedalla - Contestar
Dispenser started up without depressing lever. Now the moror won't shut off with door closed. What to do?
uspsmailman4god2 - Contestar
Does the Frigidaire Model fg4h2272uf make ice when Display is inSleep Mode
Dennis Studer - Contestar
I have not tried this with the filters but not had this problem changing mine, can you remove it and fill it with water (perhaps submerge in water or slowly fill from the tap) ? I do recall having to cycle the ice a number of times to get it to purge the air in the line.
Burt Smith - Contestar
I have a Frigidaire Model FFHS2611PFEA refrigerator We were gone for several weeks and turned of the house water; when we came home I turned it back on now the Ice maker is not making Ice. The water in the door works but it does not appear that water is flowing into the Ice maker.
Gary Feltes - Contestar
We do not have the ice maker working. We just dump the ice from a bag into the container. Now it al is all frosty Nd snowy looking and refrigeratod/freezer won't shut off
jmloomans - Contestar
Ice maker is stuck on crushed ice. Wont switch to cubed. Any ideas?
Cynthia Thompson - Contestar
We had this problem with our Frigidaire Gallery. If you're still having this issue, take out the ice box, and look on the back of the ice box where the metal arm sticks out. It lines up with a square hole in the back of the ice compartment. Sometimes the little white plunger(?) in there gets stuck in the up position. Reach back there with a utensil or something & move it up/down a few times manually, and it should loosen up. Then put the ice box back in.
Adam B -
I have a Frigidaire and it won't make ice. It is a brand new ice maker unit. I can get water although it is not very cold. Any suggestions on what the problem could be. It makes a clicking sound like it is trying to dump but there is nothing to dump
dirksbecky - Contestar
Frigidaire gallery ice maker stopped making ice. Got rid of some ice build up and still didn’t work. Tried to hold down the switch to manually advance the ice maker and it is not moving at all.
hollrein - Contestar
My ice maker won't fill the try with water
Elizabeth Sansoucie - Contestar
I was told by Frigidaire to run 5 Gallon of water through the water valve after changing the water filter.
Rose Iannaggi - Contestar
My Frigidaire refrigerator will not make ice- I checked the water valves and filter. The other thing is that the vegetables and fruit are freezing in the crisper. Could these be related and point to the damper assembly?
Alan M - Contestar
my Frigidaire Gallery gives no water from cool water dispenser. Ice maker works fine. Any ideas. Happened once before but resolved itself after a week.
FAROQ KHAN - Contestar
My frigidaire gallery refrigerator ice maker has been replaced; water valve has been replaced; water filter is new and I have insulated the back and stopped the rust after thawing out ice buildup. I can confire all diagnostic testing we successful, but my ice maker still will not cycle on it's own.
Yvonne Oliver - Contestar
Where did you find a replacement ice maker? I cannot find one that fits this model.
david cantral -
What switch displays on frigidaire model FFSC2323LSDA to indicate ice maker is "on"? do you turn it on on the display pad or is it inside the freezer? (Dumb questions, well then you've seen it all).
Keith - Contestar
Replaced icemaker inlet valve. Water in line but not filling tray.
mleataylor - Contestar
Where can I find a replacement ice maker for a frigidaire gallery refrigerator?
david cantral - Contestar
Frigidaire won't make cubed ice only crushed.
dennis huff - Contestar
Ice maker is not making cubes of ice but clumps of ice almost in a sheet. What can be causing this issue?
Mia Stearns - Contestar
I got to change my filter like every 2 to 3 weeks and there supposed to last for like 6 months and I don't hardly get ice and the water dispenser only dribbles out PLEASE HELP🙏🙏
ron deese - Contestar
My Frigidaire makes ice but it comes out connected together. So when I press to get cubes the ice gets jammed at hole because three pieces are still together. Ice cubes back up and hole and drop into freezer.
I’ve turned it off now at switch and emptied it. Will that cause other problems in my freezer?
Pat Perotti - Contestar
Ffhs2322ms9 ice maker won’t work after putting in new filter water works but ice maker don’t please help
L E - Contestar
Ice buildup between back of bin and freezer
Linda Sandquist - Contestar
My Frigidaire ice maker shutoff arm does not lift even when ice cube tray is full. I can manually lift it up and down but the ice accumulation seems to bypass the arm.
Martin Plost - Contestar
How do I unlock control on the door display
Maryland McQuaid - Contestar
My icemaker keeps making a knocking noise. I defrosted the freezer to remove any trapped ice, but when I started it back up, it is knocking again.
Tracie Hunsaker - Contestar
I do not have the type that is in the door (ice dispenser or water). It is not making ice at all any more at all now.
Tracie Hunsaker -
I see mold in the tray. How do I clean it, as it is in the very back when off.
Debra Copas - Contestar
Purchased new ice maker 2 weeks ago, worked fine until I shut it off. Now the arm won't go back to the on position. Any suggestions
brad hambright - Contestar
My Frigidaire Gallery ice maker isn’t filling with water . We changed filter and everything . Getting water out of door . Please help 😆
mooin2u - Contestar
Will water in door work with ice maker removed?
richardengine - Contestar
I have a Frigidaire icemaker. The bar will not go down to the on position. It will work sometimes if I manually push it down but it still does not go down all the way!
Della Tice - Contestar
I have a icemaker that all of the sudden stop producing as much ice. The is hollow. I tried to push the filter to change it and it will not budge. The ice make only make a few cubes. The time in between is becoming farther apart.
Christina H - Contestar
I would like to check the on/off switch for the ice maker. But where is it located?
Sarah Nash - Contestar
Ice maker stop working do it freeze
Koshie Samples - Contestar
Only crushing the ice on both mode(cube and crush)
shane samsair - Contestar
My ice maker has water coming out but don't get in the bucket so ice can be made
Hady Province - Contestar
The metal lever won't go back to the on position. The ice maker just clicks.
Francis Hines - Contestar
Can you record a video of the clicking sound? If you mean that the metal arm won’t rotate back down, your ice maker asssembly might itself be frozen. A piece of ice can prevent the arm from swinging.
nicO -
my frigidaire refrigerator ice maker is an Electrolux rear mount. part number 5303918344.It works well except that it does not eject every cube out. it hums as if its jammed but if I let off the cup button and then push cup in again i may get 1-2 cubes then it hums again till i let off cup button. I can get an an entire cup of ice if i want to take the time. But I can also reach into ice cube tray. I have plenty of ice there. This happens on both cubed and crushed ice
Gary Kreitzer Sr - Contestar
Does your unit have a twist tray for the ice cubes?
nicO -
My parent still have an old Viking from like 40 yrs ago - work perfectly. They laugh at our Frigidaire (Electrolux) stove first fried it's board and now fridge stopped making ice after 1.5 yrs. – just drooling into ice puddle in tray. Here we go with another $700 or more service call - &&^&^$^ garbage.
LakeHouse - Contestar
Model FHB2751TF3 the digital screen is not powering on any ideas to why?
Izzy Camacho - Contestar
Is this Model FHB2751TF3 or LFHB2751TF3? Is your fridge still operating as normal and cooling? Does the icemaker work? If these statements are true, consider restarting your fridge by unplugging it or turning off the breaker. Then check if the display is working. If not, consider replacing your Control Board Assembly (Part A0574124). Verify the wire connections are secure on the old Display assembly before making the switch. Here's a replacement guide that explains the process.
nicO -
Ice maker has consistent tapping I believe it’s still making ice OK do you know what the tapping might be from?
Doug White - Contestar
Check out the fridge knocking noise troubleshooting page.
The sound is a constant tapping? Has the ice maker made any new ice? If there's no new ice, I'd recommend defrosting and reseting your ice maker to see if the sounds stop.
nicO -
Not seeing what we have going on but ours is making ice but it seems like it’s leaking water into the ice tray so all the ice is clumping together… what is causing this
Dan renwick - Contestar
Hi Dan, please refer to the frigidaire ice maker leaking page for more specific help.
nicO -