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Saved my mother-on-law's computer!

engineerMD -

MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Early 2011

MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Early 2011 Fan Replacement

MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Early 2011 Fan Replacement

15 minuto


Mi Problema

She has an older MBP that works fine for her, until the fan died. She is taking a course that required an online exam, which is when her fan died (of course). WIthout her computer, she couldn't finish the course, which was required for her work.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

Absolutely one of the easiest computer repairs I've ever done (I've built several of my own computers, including a Hackintosh). The guide for the repair was spot-on.

Mi Consejo

Just follow the guide!

Imagen de Spudger


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