فصل التكييف فجأة أثناء عمله علما بأنه كان مبرد الغرفة جيدا
بعد تشغيل التكييف وتبريد الغرفة فصل فجأة ولقد حاولت غلق وفتح المفتاح الرئيسي الخاص به ولم يشتغل مرة أخرى
Google translate:
The air conditioner suddenly turned off while it was working, even though it was cooling the room well
After turning on the air conditioner and cooling the room, it suddenly turned off and I tried to close and open its main switch and it did not work again
Es esta una buena pregunta?
Hi @amirsakr
What is the make and model number of the air con unit?
Does it indicate that power is available i.e. is there a standby power light?
If there is a light and it's not on or even if it doesn't have a power light, have you checked the fuses/circuit breakers for the air con unit in the house power box are OK?
- de jayeff