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Repair information for Asus X Series laptops.

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Loose connection to screen on mainboard

I am trying to repair an ASUS X407UBR and found that the connection to the screen on the mainboard is sensitive to touch. If pushed, the screen will turn off, as can be seen in this video:

It seems stable enough without the casing, but I am afraid the connection will be lost if I close it back up.

Is there something I can do to fix this? I have access to a soldering iron, although not much experience using it.

EDIT: As requested, pictures of the two ends of the connection:

Block Image

Block Image

Block Image

The board plug is definitively loose on the left side and that's also the side that is pressure-sensitive. Funnily enough, connection is lost when I push it back towards the board.

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@nrahad either a loose board connector or a bad cable. Remove the cable and take a picture zooming in on the board connector. Then take another one of the cable end. Post those with your QUESTION.That way we can see what this all looks like.

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If it is the connector it can most likely be resoldered. If it is the cable you would have to replace it. Could be a PITA to do that.

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@nrahad yep. It needs to be repaired/replaced. You can try and resolder it. Lets see the other end of that connector. It looks from here like there may be bad solder pds. So one ome image opposite site. This will require some soldering so this "although not much experience using it" may become a problem. Anybody close by that can solder the fine pitched connector to the board? Where in the World are you located? Rough geographical area will be sufficient.

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I have added the other side of the connector.

I am located in Berlin. Could ask the electronics guys at my workplace where I would borrow the soldering iron from anyway.

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@nrahad it does look like a good resoldering should fix this issue. I think it'll be a good idea to have somebody do the repair for you. It's a bit finicky if you have never done this type of work. Best of luck to you and as always, remember that


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