smoke while opening laptop to do battery repair

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when doing the step of removing the plastic cover from the screw that connects the battery to the logic board with metal tweezers as instructed in the guide (step 6 in the battery replacement guide), it was difficult to get off and apparently while i was trying to do it, the tweezers went too far under and i believe made contact with the screw underneath? there was a zzz noise, an orange flicker and a little stream of smoke that came out. i freaked out and put everything back together to see if the laptop even still worked, it turned on and everything but died right away (i drained it before doing the repair anyway, so i was surprised it turned on at all).

i finished the battery repair and did several other things while in there. i charged it all the way as recommended and then used internet recovery to do a fresh OS install (i upgraded the ssd and had to format it etc). at first everything was going fine but it got stuck for hours when i tried to migrate the data. i stopped the migration and restarted the computer. started the migration over but it got stuck again. after restarting it again, it gets stuck at the apple logo with the “loading” meter under it. it shows the meter “full” as if it is finished booting and should bring me to the welcome screen again but it just gets stuck there.

could someone explain to me what could’ve happened with the spark and the possible consequences? or if it sounds more like a software issue rather than hardware. thanks for any help

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If you could open up the laptop and take pictures of the motherboard would be a great start. I am sure that something blew on the board that produced the smoke and it would be pretty obvious to see that component failed. Agregar imágenes a una pregunta existente

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is this okay or do i need to take everything off?

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I don't see any obvious signs of smoke/burnt components but the image is resolution is not the best. I would be looking around the edge of the motherboard to see if there is anything cracked or burnt. Do you roughly remember which are did the smoke come from?

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@honakrisi - As you put the cover back where you encountered the issue, that is where you need to take the cover off and take a nice tight focused image around the area

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yes i remember, the smoke came from right beneath my tweezers when trying to remove the plastic cover from the screw connecting the battery to the logic board. i was trying to get it off by just gripping the outside edge of it, but it wouldn’t come up, so i stuck the tweezers a little further to grip more of the plastic piece and that’s when i saw the spark. i can open it up and take another pic. since it seems to be likely that it’s a mother board issue, i am considering sending it to a shop that replaces specific motherboard components rather than swapping out the whole thing for a much cheaper price.

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