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Anunciado en agosto de 2017, el Galaxy Note8 es el sucesor del retirado Galaxy Note7. El Note8 se puso a disposición del público para su compra en septiembre de 2017.

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Advertising Overload -- Please Help!

About 2 months ago, I started getting ads popping up on my Home Screen and continually as I attempt to do something on my cell phone (Samsung Galaxy Note 8). I have tried to remove some apps and reinstall them — especially the ones seen in some ads…nothing works. I cannot stand it, it is driving me nuts. I have to hit back or “X” it out and it adds about 4 extra steps to get to my intended destination whether it be my email, games, contacts, phone, etc. It is so annoying, I just want to smash the thing sometimes. I want to call Sprint and tell them to get the %#*@ advertising pop-ups off my phone or I will change my service to another provider. I really do not want to change but may when it is time to upgrade which could be now!

Can anyone offer some steps to try? I need to get it to stop and soon! Thanks for your time.

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Download, install and run this app to see if it detects any malware installed in the phone.

You can also download, install and run this app to see if it detects any viruses in your phone, missed by the first app

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Hi and thank you for the response. I was not aware anyone replied -- I just happened to check. I will try to download the apps you referenced but will have to find this link on my cell phone vs. PC. Thank you once again -- I will let you know if it works!

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