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Reparar información en unidades de disco o discos duros. Los discos duros son dispositivos magnéticos de almacenamiento de datos. Se utilizan en la mayoría de las computadoras de escritorio, portátiles y servidores debido a su bajo costo y alta densidad de datos.

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How can I exactly locating the physical bad sector

how can i exactly locating the *physical* **bad sector** ?

_&_ what's best way to locate it ?

_&_ and kindly provide me the best program for detecting if the **hard-disk**

has *bad sectors* or not ?

i have tried with this program "Hard Disk Sentinel" but i think it's not work

waiting for your kindly answers



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What model hard drive? What model computer? what errors do you get? Does your computer recognize your drive? What have you tried?

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  1. Go to the search bar and type “Command Prompt”. Click on “Run as Administrator”.
  2. Type the command “chkdsk C: /f /r /x” and press Enter. (Or the Drive letter which is having the bad sectors)
  3. The utility will scan the hard drive for errors and attempt to fix them.
  4. Restart your computer and see if the error is resolved.

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