No power something blew while diagnosing

I opened up my iMac to diagnose whether I need to replace the power supply. I plugged it n to find the LED lights. When I pushed the power on button something blew on the power supply board. Will I have the same problem when I replace it? It smelled like something burned. I need to get my Mac up & running again.

I have an iMac A1224 emc 2133 2.4 gh

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7 comentarios:

It's the power supply. But why would pushing the power on button cause it to blow a piece off of it?

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Post some images of your board and the component with your question. That way we can see what you see. Use this guide Agregar imágenes a una pregunta existente for that

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It's the power supply. But I don't understand why it popped a soldered piece when I pushed the power button. It also smelled burnt.

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It's the power supply, but I have further questions in my comments.

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Jan, sounds like something shortened it out. that is why the soldered part came off. Not quite sure what your question is. No, it will not happen on a new power supply.

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