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Modelo A1278 / 2.26 o 2.53 GHz Procesador Core 2 Duo EMC 2326 de mediados de 2009

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Corsair rams 4x2 (8G) 1067mhz

Hello guys.

I have purchased and installed my new rams corsair 8g 1667mghz

I would like to know my MacBook Pro rams was 1066mhz but now it is 1067 MHz is that okay or not I see lots of people using this corsair rams but I would like to knowledge myself and learn is it okay if the rams has a higher speed than the actual speed of the machine like 1066 mhz to 1067?


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If your computer is working properly I would not worry about the difference between 1066 and 1067. My main concern would be does Corsair certify this ram for use in an Apple computer? If so no problem but if not it could cause system board problems over time. Ralph

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agreed +

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this is the link

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Looks good to me. Ralph

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outside of being a bit overpriced, looks good to me +

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That ram is 1066, not 1067...

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Well sorry brother but I am not the one who said 1067! it is written in the website + on the plastic box of the rams.

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Gabe thanks so much for helping me in this post :)

Best 4g and 8g ram memories for MBP?

I am very satisfied with the rams ^^

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Thanks so much guys

Is there any thing I should do after I install the rams? like resting something pram or something like that?

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Guys anyone know why my machine temperature increased after using my new 8g rams? (with no Vmware ) with VMware it gets worse

the cpu is 80 centigrade and it goes to 70 if there is no lots of apps working.

note: I did not reboot my machine since 6 days because the machine looks quite fast and no need for refreshing memory.

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With this speed, it rounds, since technically the ram it running at 1066 and 2/3Mhz (.666666666_ Mhz) some companies/operating systems will round up, and others will round down, the ram is the same speed whether it says it is 1066Mhz, or 1067Mhz.

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Thanks but can you answer my last question?

The machine gets hot very fast also the cpu above 70

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