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El Samsung Galaxy S3 es un teléfono inteligente multitáctil con formato pizarra, capacidad de seguimiento ocular, mayor almacenamiento y una opción de carga inalámbrica.

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Galaxy s3 usb port not working?

My Galaxy S3 port is damaged I guess, because it does not charge even if I turn off the phone. It is not detected by my laptop. I tried a different charger and cables, but it still is not working. Will updating the software solve my problem?

Or do I have to change the port? if I have to change the port, can anyone guide me?

Imagen de Replace a broken or damaged micro USB port on your Samsung Galaxy S III smartphone motherboard with this part. This part requires microsoldering.


Galaxy S III Charge Port


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Can u fix them yourself and how much would that be?

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Good its working, started charging but i want to wait more because now battery is 50% i want to see 100% thanks very much my dear friend God bless you,

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great..thank you..i was so frustrated with it, i already bought a new battery, got the port fixed at a local store about a month ago, but it again stopped charging..thank you so much, this paper trick works perfect..

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what great quest. u ask my, friend and in such kleer language. mine fone has same prob. but not worring bout it b/c of wirelesss charging.

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OK so i used the piece of paper and it vibrates when i plug it up but it still wont charge , do you think it could be the battery , that its so old it cant hold a charge anymore??? help !

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24 Respuestas

Solución Elegida

Hey Everyone! I too have had much difficulty with the Galaxy S3's charging port, but I just found out why the phone won't charge and a quick solution for it without rigging the phone up with rubber bands or hair ties. The charging pins are only on the top of the port, and most every charger is not thick enough for the S3, so you simply slide a piece of paper under the bottom half of the port, then input your charger. The paper will keep it held up. This has been working for me and hopefully it does the same for all of you!

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Worked for mine, thank you

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thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :D

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I can't believe I didn't think of that... Great idea thank you so much you are a life saver, I have been having that issue for weeks and holding onto the stupid cord the whole time lol

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just worked for mine too,,,thanks

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holy crap it worked for me too

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On the s3 their are around 10 pins that need to be soldered to the board. If one of those has come up from the board from a jolt or drop, it could still charge but have charging issues so it most certainly could be the port needs replacing or resoldering. If you have tried a battery I would definitely try replacing the charging port. I found a company that does the s3 port repair. Here it is: S3 Charging Charging Port Repair Link

DIY S3 Repair Video (need equipment and skillset)

Hope this helps!


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Charging my SGS3 suddenly only worked with one of my USB cables and a couple chargers. Charging was slow as well. I reflashed my ROM (SlimKAT), then a new kernel (BMS) in order to enable fast charging. Still no luck. I cleaned the USB port with 99% Isopropanol --> still slow charging. I took apart my phone and then touched up the solder joints of the USB connector with a fine tip iron, some leaded solder and flux. I inspected the solder joints under magnification and it all looked good. reassembled my phone and now it charges fast with any cable and charger again. :-)

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M. Robins- we're you able to discern which of the steps you took that solved the problem? Or was it the combination?

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After cleaning the USB female port it still didn't work however did find out that by lifting the cable a few degrees while in the port a connection was made and charging was good. Eventually I made a plastic strip, the thickness of a business card and the width of the port ( very important), then stuck it under the USB tongue on the phone. When a cable is inserted into the phone it connects and charges every time. Have been dong this for 9 months now and waiting until contract is up to get an updated phone, 7 months to go!

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This helped a lot. A credit card was too thick (I know you said business card, that was just what I had immediately handy, and tried first), I ended up using one side of the laminate of a laminated card, which is paper thin. It's a much more snug connection now, and the charging connection is more reliable.

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You just need to hold down the power button and volume button at the same time for 30 seconds. My brother threw his away thinking it was broke. Mine wasn't charging so I called the customer hotline and they told me to hold those buttons and sure enough it came back on!!

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this fixed mine! happy thankyou

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This worked for me, too! No charger was working with my phone; thought I broke the port. This reset worked. Thank you thank you!!! ☺

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Holding the buttons down helped it charge or turned it on?

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Also helped to me. Before that there was no reaction by the phone at all


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Wuz dat vol upp or dwn?

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kishore magar, if you need to replace the port, use this guide to get to it. Use a hot air rework station, or alike to unsolder the port from the board. Check for cracked solder prior to replacing it, a simple reflow of the solder on the part may be all that is needed. Hope this helps, good luck.

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90% of the time charging issues are caused by dirty pin connectors on the s3 port they get filled with crap and every time the charger is plugged in it compacts this dirt and makes things worse i have fixed all my friends s3's and all of them had the same problem

fix: 1 can of contact cleaner

spray a small amount inside phone port and then in charger plug insert and remove plug about 6 times respray both the plug and charger port and repeat this about 5 times and all is good if its not your phone port must be damaged and will need repairing by a technician.

i have had no problems doing this but still attempt at your own risk as i will not be held responsible for any broken phones

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Cleaning it out wont work, got mine cleaned recently and it's still not charging properly.

Samsung totally screwed all of their customers over.

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contact cleaner? Where do I get it? Is that what I ask salesperson for contact cleaner?

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My galaxy 3 stopped charging. I first bought a new charger thinking that was the problem with now luck. I bought a new battery, still no luck. My daughter in law told me she saw online that the galaxy 3 was having issues with the port on the phone collecting dirt and dust. She took to Best Buy and they cleaned it with a wipe around a pin and its working fine. I tried cleaning the port with a pin and believe it or not I'm not having any charging issues. I did not use any contact cleaner or any other cleaning solution just a pin. Hope this helps.

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This seems to be a very common (and recurring) problem with Galaxy S3 phones. One alternative is to buy a battery wall charger (very cheap, less than $3) and maybe an extra battery (likewise cheap) and charge your phone battery that way. Less hassle, no soldering.

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The galaxy s3 is notorious for the design of the charge port allowing the contact pins to break their solder joints to the board.

The big reason I'm replying to this super old thread is this. I have repaired more of these phones than I can count and something that I see over and over is people doing further damage to their device by rigging it up instead of fixing it. Here is what happens...

A couple of the pins crack or break making an intermittent connection with the board, at this point, the charger will still work but you notice some issues occasionally. You likely buy a new charger to see if that fixes it. A few weeks later you notice the problem has gotten worse so you do some work with google and find instruction to wiggle it, jam stuff up into it, pull the charger off to one side, etc. What is going on in the phone at this point is the cracked joints have gotten worse, trying to make the phone charge there have been more connections damaged or the already damaged ones are further damaged. A few weeks later, you have a hard time keeping the phone with enough juice to turn on and finally break down and carry it in to me for repair. The problem is, the constant wiggling of the connector will pull the traces off the board making my job harder and your repair more expensive. I've even seen one or two that could not be repaired. I've seen dozens that required some "creative work" to get patched back up because the device is damaged at the board level. For those not familiar, you cannot simply swap out the logic board. its the brains of the phone and the most expensive part. THAT is what you are risking by not correctly repairing this problem.

If you can do this repair, more power to you. I'd advise you be extraordinarily careful the youtube videos can be misleading as to the level of complexity you're getting into. Otherwise, find a reputable shop that can get you squared away before the damage goes further and damages the traces on your phone.

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I too have repaired many, many of these phones (probably not quite 1000 but probably getting close!) and I agree with everything you've said here. If you try to fix it by cleaning the port be *very* careful. If it works on and off when wiggled it needs to be fixed before the board is damaged and it's harder to fix.

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@Bobby .. My Sumsung Galaxy S3 Mini started charging by itself. I've replaced the battery but it still happpens and when I charge it (either with a normal wall charger or my usb charger) it restarts when the battery is at about 80% and keeps restarting, charging, restarting and then goes blank. Do you have any idea why it would do this?

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Access the mitre collector and soldier away the filled filter. This shd fix.

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I have a GT-19000M really old ..any idea what port it would take to make it work? thanks

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One of our clients asked us to build them a solution for the Galaxy S3 USB repair. This method uses solder paste, a stencil and a micro squeegee to get the device down. You may also need, depending on your eyesight some type of magnification. Finally you will need a heating source.

You will either need to have some advanced soldering skills and lots of patience OR you can, if you are some what patient and have very little experience, use this method:

Let me know what you think once you try it.

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These are further images of the process

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Replacing the usb charging port needs the use of a 'hot air' soldering iron. Google for part number 3722-003512 and find a local tv repair shop as they should have the skills and equipment to replace it. Or you can invest in a wireless charging kit (search eBay for 'galaxy s3 wireless charging') and use wifi to move your files..

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I have this problem try going to a repair shop it will cost £20 to £40

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How to charge Samsung galaxy s3 with Broken USB port using wireless charging pins:

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My S3 stopped charging a few months ago. Cleaned out port with a pin a while ago. I got lots of gunk out, but still didn't work. Was going to send back to Samsung (since still under warranty), even was reading about resoldering in a new usb port ... but then tried spraying it with a contact cleaner and started charging again. Much easier - thx

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Stupid question, but what is contact cleaner, exactly?

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I figured it out and the contact cleaner seems to have done the trick...thank goodness. I wasn't looking forward to soldering in a new port.

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What is a contact cleaner????????

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Contact cleaner can be bought at any hardware store. Used by electician's to clean electical surfaces and joints. Very commom. Any salesman will know what your looking for. Its very easy to use. Its like a can of alcohol and drys extremely quick. Although most contact cleaners are unflamable.

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I have this problem as well. I tried to get the charging port fixed, but they couldn't fix it. I have only had my Samsung S3 for 6 months and the charging port stopped working. I just ordered an external battery charger to charge the battery itself.then I will put the battery back into the phone. You can order them from Amazon or Ebay.

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The only 2 GS3 charge ports I've seen that I couldn't fix were because of the damage someone else did to the board thinking they knew what they were doing. If a shop cannot do this rather simple repair, either your phone is the 1 in 1000 that is repairable or your hired fred flinstone to work on your phone. One of these two is far more likely a scenario than the other.

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I have the problem with my second hand device and it's happened recently again best bet is to go to a local Samsung shop as they will repair it cheaper than any other place and it's around £40 to do it. I hope that's helped

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Hey if it's only for charging then Samsung Galaxy s3 users can use wireless charging method, by buying wireless charging kits ie lower than

repairing or buying the new board.

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i replace it but not take charge i think have problem in diode or some component wich near to place i need help ???????????

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If you are unlucky and the traces have gone, scraping away at the very first (triangular) pad on the left is where the P+ line is. Confirmed on mine, whatever you do don't solder to the one next to it as this will do strange things such as presenting 5V to the battery (don't ask how I found this out!) This fix won't repair the USB lines but with some careful bridging via modwire it will then charge correctly.

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I have just fixed mine and it took about 5 seconds, really! I had all the same issues mentioned by others. Slow charging leading to not charging at all. Or it charges for about 1 minute then cuts off. I blamed the battery, then tried another. Same problem. I blamed the port connector for being loose as when I wriggled it then sometimes a charge would kick in for a short while. I blamed the charging lead because it was too thin or the wrong type, I blamed the plug that the charging lead goes into. IT WAS NONE OF THESE (well not quite)

I figured it might have been the connectors from the charging port to the mother board because so many 'experts' had suggested getting it professionally fixed. It was not the problem.

I solved it / fixed it almost by accident but also because of what several people wrote about fluff and dust and dirt getting into the charging port and how they fixed it by using some sort of spirit to clean it out or in one case a small pin. I live in San Pedro Belize which is a salty, sandy island by the way.

THE SOLUTION? Simple! I purchased an electronics duster called 'Dust off' (Incidentally, I am not an agent or in any way connected to the product, I'm sure there must be several other brands out there) it is a small aerosol canister that has compressed air (I suspect some sort of alcohol or spirit too from the smell) but it is dry air that comes out. The cannister comes with a small straw attachment. I squirted this into my charging port for about 5 seconds. My phone charged up immediately on my cheapo charging lead - not even the more expensive one that I bought. Took about 2 hours to go from dead to 100%. The phone now charges like new. Give it a go, it's super cheap and super fast. Best wishes, Vic

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Was only a temporary fix from reading the rest of the solutions ik theres only changing out the motherboard can fix my problem .help i need to find a replacement using my old galaxy2 temp w/blown speakers half the storage i need my 3back and working

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Where Can I Get This "Duster Cleaner "?

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@Betty Boyer I get all my phone parts frm ali express brand new S6 motherboard 25 bucks amazon wanted i think about a 100 bucks

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Hi, also relevant to OP.

I am looking into making a custom connector for mine as an experiment because with the pins broken it won't work with the replacement connectors because there is nothing to connect them to other than the previously mentioned triangular pad (+)

It is possible that a magnetic connector made using ultraviolet cured resin and including the needed

micro-jumpers would bring back functionality and even allow USB to work.

My design so far is a 4 pole micropin based cable with internal diode to prevent accidental damage, connected to a custom charger that includes a current/OV limit and other features the simpler units lack.

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Ho I just held the on switch and volume switch for 30 secs and it came back to life amazingly

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i have tried all this and my samsung s3 is not charging. well i haven't tried it all just the basic stuff the dust off and the paper in it. where do you all get the external chargers that u are saying are $3? i have looked at places like walmart and can't find. i know ebay but my problem currently is i am traveling so cannot have one sent to me in enough time. any more advice?

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Hello my phone is damaged too how may you help me

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How may you help me

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