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Sustitución de la batería del MacBook Air 11" Mid 2013

Qué necesitas

  1. Sustitución de la batería del MacBook Air 11" Mid 2013, Caja inferior: paso 1, imagen 1 de 1
    • Apaga tu computadora. Colócala en una superficie suave con la parte de arriba mirando hacia abajo.

    • Retira los siguientes 10 tornillos:

    • Dos tornillos Pentalobe de 5 Puntos de 8 mm

    • Ocho tornillos Pentalobe de 5 Puntos de 2.5 mm

    • El destornillador especial que necesitas para retirar los tornillos Pentalobe de 5 Puntos lo puedes encontrar aquí

    When you say:

    Remove the following ten screws:

    Two 8 mm 5-point Pentalobe screws

    Eight 2.5 mm 5-point Pentalobe screws

    Do the 8mm & 2.5mm dimensions refer to the LENGTH of those screws, or the size of the pentalobe? That is, are there other sizes of pentalobe drivers like there are for hex, phillips and torx? When only one dimension is provided, it is usually the socket/driver size, not the screw length, maybe since the length cannot be seen when the screw is installed.

    Can I suggest that you clarify your instructions so folks are confident they are only in need of _one_ pentalobe driver?

    Nerdily yours,

    Larry (whose iPhone 4S can now get through a day without 6 recharges thanks to ;-)

    larryleveen - Contestar

    The 8mm and 2.5mm are the length of the screws. One pentalobe P5 screwdriver suffices for all the screws (P5 is implicitly the size of the pentalobe screw heads).

    Michael Welham -

    I sourced all the parts from ifixit, plus a magnetic project mat which I found to be very useful for organising the teardown and reassembly.

    Allen - Contestar

    The magnetic mat is


    Keep the 2.5mm tiny screws away from the MagSafe connector as they will be attracted and sucked in to the magnet.

    Frank O'Carroll - Contestar

    A tip an old bench tech taught me that has saved me many times: I put clear “Scotch” tape over the case screws as they became “free”. The tape kept them in place while I lifted the lid off, cleaned it etc.

    Michael Mee - Contestar

    Thank you for a really smart tip! I will be using that countless more times!

    Lilljedahl -

    I’m confused about internet recovery and installing MacOS. Is all of this done before placing in the new ssd card or after. I don’t have any files that I would like to safe/transfer, is all of this necessary, if I don’t do it before placing new ssd, will I still be able to instal/upgrade macOS afterwards.

    It’s an old Mac and now it won’t start or charge, I know I will have to replace battery and put new battery first and turn on Mac before doing the ssd stuff. Since it won’t effing start.

    I’m really clueless about backing up old ssd, since I don’t need any files, besides MacOS(software) ,and is that related to the ssd?

    AMG - Contestar

    The answer to your question: You need to insert your SSD into the computer before internet recovery. If you start the recovery before inserting SSD, it won’t affect the setup, you won’t damage anything. But your SSD will not be detected (as there isn’t one inserted.)

    Also, a little tip: If you bought a used SSD, go into Disk Utility and format the drive with the highest security level to permanently remove all of the previous files.

    Also a FYI: Internet Recovery will load up Mac OS X 10.9.5 Mavericks, so I would recommend making a recovery drive from a Big Sur (or desired version) through another Mac, and a USB. You can visit this support doc:

    Hope this helps! -Dan

    danielwen -

    I got a macbook air with a damaged and swollen battery. I could remove all screws, except one 2,5 mm screw. I’m afraid it got damaged while attempting to remove it, I have no grip with the P5 pentalobe screwdriver. How can I proceed?

    Robert Hermans - Contestar

    Hi Robert!

    Try some techniques found in this stripped screw removal guide. Good luck!

    Arthur Shi -

    Hello I have a macbook air they are say they do not have parts for my laptop macbook air 11 inches 2013 mid need to replace battery which one to buy

    vensilver - Contestar

    Hello! This is the part you want—maybe we’re not able to ship it to you if you’re out of the United States. The battery in your MacBook Air should be the same for all 11” between mid-2011 to early-2015.

    Arthur Shi -

    The smaller screws went in more easily when I put back all the screws along the hinge edge first.

    Rachel Slatkin - Contestar

  2. Sustitución de la batería del MacBook Air 11" Mid 2013: paso 2, imagen 1 de 1
    • Utiliza tus dedos para hacer palanca entre la pantalla y la cubierta posterior y tira hacia arriba para destrabar y retirar la carcasa posterior del MacBook Air.

  3. Sustitución de la batería del MacBook Air 11" Mid 2013, Conector de la batería: paso 3, imagen 1 de 2 Sustitución de la batería del MacBook Air 11" Mid 2013, Conector de la batería: paso 3, imagen 2 de 2
    • En este paso, desconectarás la batería para evitar cortocircuitos durante el servicio.

    • Usa el extremo plano de un spudger para levantar ambos lados cortos del conector de la batería hacia arriba para desconectarlo de su zócalo en la placa lógica.

    • Dobla el cable de la batería un poco lejos de la placa lógica para que el conector no se doble hacia atrás accidentalmente y haga contacto con su zócalo.

    When reassembling the connector wire needs to be bent to fit.

    GERARD SZAREK - Contestar

  4. Sustitución de la batería del MacBook Air 11" Mid 2013, Batería: paso 4, imagen 1 de 1
    • Retira los siguientes cinco tornillos que fijan la batería a la carcasa superior:

    • Dos tornillos Torx T5 de 5,2 mm

    • Un tornillo Torx T5 de 6 mm

    • Dos tornillos Torx T5 de 2,6 mm

    Be carful with the torque when reassembling, these screws seem able to go a little too far and crack through the plastic of the battery.

    Daniel Schlaug - Contestar

    To elaborate on Daniel’s comment, particularly the middle 6mm screw seems to have a lot of range and can be over-tightened. I stopped and backed it off a little when it appeared to be deforming the cell to the left.

    Jeff Snider - Contestar

    After replacing the battery (IF108-063-2) I found the trackpad click pressure to be noticeably higher. The plastic frame on the replacement bowed out some just above the logos below the center cells, pressing on the trackpad once the lower case was reattached. I used some gentle heat from a hot air gun (I used about 150º C) to soften the plastic and bend it back down. This reduced the pressure on the trackpad.

    Jeff Snider - Contestar

    I'm having the same issue. I got the -2 instead of -1 battery also for some reason. iFixit is this advised??

    Amanda Silber -

  5. Sustitución de la batería del MacBook Air 11" Mid 2013: paso 5, imagen 1 de 1
    • Al manipular la batería, evita apretar o tocar las seis celdas expuestas de polímero de litio.

    • Levanta la batería por el borde más cercano a la placa lógica y extráigala de la carcasa superior.

    • Si vas a instalar una batería nueva, debes calibrarla después de instalarla:

    • Cárgalo al 100% y sigue cargándolo durante al menos 2 horas más. A continuación, desenchúfalo y utilízalo normalmente para agotar la batería. Cuando veas el aviso de batería baja, guarda tu trabajo y mantén el portátil encendido hasta que entre en reposo por batería baja.

    • Espere al menos 5 horas y, a continuación, cargue el portátil ininterrumpidamente al 100%.

    • Si notas algún comportamiento inusual o problemas después de instalar la nueva batería, es posible que tengas que restablecer el SMC de tu MacBook.

    The instructions that come with the BRTONG replacement battery state the following:

    1) Discharge it to 2% (quite specific) and then charge to 100% at the first cycle after purchasing

    2) Do not discharge the battery pack to 0% as that will damage the battery pack and shorten its life (this does not specify WHEN not to do it. Only during the first cycle?)

    This is very different from the ifixit instructions above , but ifixit could be referring just to the calibration, which could be done AFTER the first cycle, and the manufacturer could be referring just to the first cycle, and not to the calibration. I am not sure what to do. But I guess I will follow the manufacturer instructions during the first (and second, to be safe) cycles, and THEN follow the ifixit instructions for calibration.

    Fernando - Contestar

    Discharging the battery all the way to zero does shorten the battery life slightly, but it’s necessary for a proper calibration. Without calibration, the 2% reading is kind of meaningless, since the system can’t get an accurate % reading until after calibration (that’s the whole point of calibration). I’d follow the iFixit instructions (which are also Apple’s instructions) and ignore whatever that battery vendor sent you. You can find more background on calibration here.

    Jeff Suovanen -

    What do I do with the old battery?

    John Hammer - Contestar

    Good question! Please take the old battery to an e-waste facility.

    Arthur Shi -

    Does it matter what OS is running on the computer during battery calibration? (my laptop is dual boot Linux and MacOS)

    John Haiducek - Contestar

    I’m putting in the new battery on a MacBook Air 11’ 2015 and the new battery has a black foam piece on top of the connector that seems to be glued on. Do I remove that?

    Mark Marchant - Contestar

    battery macbook 11inch 2015 including tools ordered delivered quickly easy to install very satisfied.

    De Kok - Contestar


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iFixit Miembro de iFixit


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10 comentarios

Reminder: Crimp the new battery’s ribbon cable before you screw it in so that you’ll have an easier time connecting it to the power terminal.

Andrew Harris - Contestar

That was too easy. After dealing with the glue and all the zif cables to replace the battery on a MacBook, this was just an easy breeze.

Steve Heffern - Contestar

Followed instructions, but MacAir lost gattery icon and will not charge replaced battery, despite SCO reboot and recheck on battery connector

russellseitz - Contestar

the battery I purchased has the battery connector in a different spot…it’s to the left…can it be slid over to the correct position?

Kirstie - Contestar

installed but now the macbook air trackpad ‘clicks’ when then touch it as if it’s slightly loose (it doesn’t physically do a click)

naquada - Contestar

Same problem. I checked but didn't find the source, all the screws are OK.

Ich habe das selbe Problem, seitdem ich die Batterie gewechselt habe. Alle Schrauben geprüft, sie sind normal befestigt.

même problème depuis le changement de batterie. J'ai vérifié toutes les vis de fixation, elles sont bien serrées et pourtant le touchpad "sonne creux"

Francis -

Was supereasy and works perfectly now !

Great manual !!

Dr.Beardface - Contestar

Do what Andrew Harris suggested, the battery cable is quite stiff and will have to be bent slightly to align with the battery terminal when plugging the new battery in.

Geoffrey Lum - Contestar

I found the work easier than described. OTOH, the first replacement battery shipped by iFixit was defective: clearly curved and wouldn't fit correctly. After sending photos, iFixit promptly shipped me a second replacement battery, which fit correctly. The almost 10 year-old computer now has far longer endurance on battery power. I am quite satisfied.

dbrick - Contestar

If my MacBook Air is not charging at all now will replacing the battery fix it or is it likely there is a bigger issue with the MagSafe component or the logic board? I've done SMC reset (though hard to tell if it is working).

brendanorourke - Contestar

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