Desconecta la manguera entre el pistón superior y la salida de café.
Retira el pistón superior.
Desatornilla el tornillo Torx T20 de la rejilla del pistón superior.
Retira el soporte del sello y el sello.
Vuelve a colocar los sellos en el pistón superior, la salida de café y el suministro de agua.
Limpiar bien todas las piezas. Aplica un poco de silicona de calidad alimentaria a las superficies de sellado.
Desatornilla los dos tornillos. Levanta la válvula. Compruébala y límpiala.
Nota: También hay un sello en la falda inferior del pistón, pero es un poco más difícil de reemplazar.
Engrasa ligeramente todas las piezas deslizantes con silicona alimentaria y vuelve a montarlo todo. Verifica la facilidad de movimiento.
Invierte los pasos para volver a ensamblar tu dispositivo.
Invierte los pasos para volver a ensamblar tu dispositivo.
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4 comentarios
The brewing unit in my Melitta Avanza Series 600 (which is apparently identical) was completely stuck inside the machine, and the only way I could get it out was to follow this guide. Unscrewing the accessible side of the brewing unit gave me the necessary access to finally get the brewing unit unstuck and out of the machine. The cap mentioned in step 2 was a bit hard to get out with the brewing unit still inside the machine, but by first unscrewing all the other screws to loosen the side a bit and then using some force, I finally got it off without breaking it.
Note that I also had to reset the main gear position to get the brewing unit back into the machine, which on my machine was performed by pressing the single + double espresso front panel buttons for 2 seconds.
The reason why it was stuck? 100% my fault. I turned the machine off in the middle of a cleaning cycle when I realised I forgot to insert a cleaning tablet, and then tried to get the brewing unit out and ... yeah ... don't be an idiot like I was, do NOT attempt to take the brewing unit out while it's in "engaged" mode, unless you too wish to follow this guide for that reason. 😉
There is also a more bloodless way: open the left side, find the cables to the motor. Connect 12 V DC, et voila....
VauWeh -
Hello. Congratulations for the info. Can you tell me what is the service interval or when is necesarry to replace the gaskets inside the brewing unit, is there a simptom that appears in time ? I have a Melitta Caffeo Solo&Milk that I bought(new) two years ago. Thank you .
Depends on the number of prepared coffees. After two years it might be necessary, especially when the used coffee grounds is too moist. The procedure is simple and the parts are cheap, so it's better to have one more than too few.
VauWeh -