Sigue esta guía para reemplazar la pantalla o los adhesivos de la pantalla del Galaxy S8. Este procedimiento debe seguirse junto con la [guía|92339|Guía de reemplazo de pantalla del Galaxy S8].
Qué necesitas
Elimina todos los restos de adhesivo y residuos del marco del teléfono. Limpia la superficie de adhesión con alcohol isopropílico de alta concentración (más del 90 %) y límpiala con un paño sin pelusa.
Coloca las tiras adhesivas para tener una idea de dónde van.
Despega el respaldo de plástico transparente de la tira adhesiva grande precortada, dejando al descubierto un lado del adhesivo.
Alinea con cuidado un borde del adhesivo con el borde correspondiente del marco del teléfono.
Coloca el adhesivo ligeramente sobre el marco.
Si no está correctamente alineado, despega con cuidado el adhesivo.
Una vez que el adhesivo esté alineado, usa tus dedos para presionar el adhesivo sobre el marco.
Despega una de las tiras adhesivas de los extremos del respaldo de plástico transparente.
Sostén la tira por las dos lengüetas verdes de los extremos y forra la tira adhesiva con el marco del teléfono.
Coloca el adhesivo ligeramente sobre el teléfono. Asegúrate de que todos los recortes estén correctamente alineados.
Una vez alineado, usa tus dedos para presionar el adhesivo en su lugar.
Repite el procedimiento para la tira adhesiva restante.
Continúa reensamblando tu dispositivo hasta que esté listo para colocar la pantalla.
Despega y retira el revestimiento de plástico verde de todas las tiras adhesivas para dejar expuesto el adhesivo de la pantalla.
Alinea y coloca la pantalla del teléfono sobre el adhesivo.
Usa tus dedos para apretar alrededor del perímetro del teléfono para fijar el adhesivo.
Aplica algunos libros con el peso de la parte superior de la pantalla durante una hora para ayudar a que el adhesivo se adhiera.
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My set of adhesive strips were a mirror image of these pictures, meaning the strips when solely attached to the green plastic liner were arranged to adhere to the back cover, not onto the phone! This is likely a production issue with the green plastic liner and clear plastic backing being swapped. Like in these pictures here, the seal strips stay aggressively with the green plastic liner upon pealing off the clear plastic liner; however, they were then an incorrect mirror image when trying to position then to the phone. This forced me to painstakingly use scotch tape the position and secure edges of the green plastic to the phone first (sticky side of strips facing up), and then lower the back cover down onto the phone, to adhere the strips to the back cover first. Then, lift off the back cover to removed the green liner, exposing adhesive to apply to the phone-side. Trust me, I didn’t install the strips upside down, or mirrored. This is just the way all my strips came, and there was no other workaround.
Hi Kevin,
First, I’m sorry to hear of your troubles! I’m glad you came up with a system to get the adhesive on. Very ingenious!
I looked into this issue and found that the adhesive you got is correct. Unlike the screen adhesive, which should be applied to the frame first, the back cover adhesive should be applied to the back cover first. Unfortunately, we don’t have any explicit guides for the back cover adhesive. However, I will edit the device guides to clarify that point.
Thanks for bringing this observation up!
Thank you for the rapid response, Arthur. You’re very welcome. I presume IFixIt sources these strips from a common supplier, also serving competitors. These multi-piece strips have very fine hole, notch, and angular details demanding a level of placement precision not easily achievable by adhering them on the back cover first — especially if intended to restore a level of water resistance. Ifitit stands out above it’s competitors, as the kit was excellent. It might further differentiate itself by provided a template to nest into the back cover first, creating a guide. Again, thank you for your product and support. Excellent.
I will keep your feedback in mind about the template. As for water resistance, replacing the back cover adhesive will unfortunately still compromise the water resistance, unless you use an adhesive press.
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