Wiki con Contribuciónes de Estudiantes
Esta wiki ha sido creada por un increíble grupo de estudiantes de nuestro programa educativo.
Camera won’t turn on
You have tried turning on your camera and nothing is happening.
No battery
First, you want check if there even is a battery in the camera. If not, put the available battery into the battery terminal. If there is no battery available to you, you can buy one at your local electronics store or order one online at the Nikon Coolpix website, Follow this guide to locate and replace the battery.
Undercharged battery
If you have a battery within the terminal and the camera will not turn on, check to see if the battery is dead. Put the battery in the charger, and plug it into an outlet. If an orange light turns on, your battery is charging. Once a green light turns on, it is telling you that your battery is fully charged. If you do not have the appropriate charger, you can buy one at your local electronics store or order one online from the Nikon Coolpix website.
Overcharged battery
If you have been charging your battery for a long time, such as multiple hours or days in a row without using it and the camera still will not turn on, you may have an overcharged battery. An overcharged battery will have fried itself due to an excessive amount of charging, and a new one will be needed. You can order the appropriate one on the Nikon website,, or can buy on at your local electronics store.
Broken charger
If your battery is new or have tried charging your battery multiple times but the camera still will not turn on, there is a chance that your charger is broken. When you put the battery on the charger, check to see if a orange or green light turns on. If the light is orange, it is telling you the your battery is charging. If the light is green, it is telling you that the battery is now fully charged. But if you have no light that turns on, your charger is unfortunately broken and will need to be replaced. You can find the appropriate charger at the Nikon website,, or you can buy one at your nearest electronics store.
Damaged motherboard
If you have a brand new battery and the camera still will not turn on, it is possible that is due to a faulty or damaged motherboard or a bad connection between the motherboard and the battery. Unfortunately, this is not something that you will be able to fix. You will need to visit your nearest electronics store or replace your camera.
Camera won't save pictures or gives me 'No Memory Error'
You have tried taking pictures, but nothing is saving or getting a No Memory Error
No SD card
This is a common error, mostly because the SD card is full and needs to free up some space. This can be done by deleting pictures from the camera or a computer. Also, double check that your SD card is not damaged or broken. To replace an SD card use this guide.
Faulty shutter
The cameras shutter speed is too fast for long exposure pictures or the shutter constantly gets stuck.
Changing the shutter speed
Unfortunately, the Nikon Coolpix S8200 is a basic and compact camera. It only has a number of automatic scene modes and no manual controls. Only Nikon P series compact cameras have that feature. Check the automatic scene modes because some of them are able to slow down the shutter speed for long exposure pictures, capturing the perfect shot.
Shutter is sticky
Before taking apart the entire camera, check to see if there is any residue alone the shutter that may cause it to stick. If there is, simply use a pin or toothpick to scrape away at the residue but be careful not to scratch anything along the way. Next, use a solvent such as water or rubbing alcohol on a cotton swab to wipe away the rest of the dirt or residue. Use this guide to help you.
Damaged lens
Your lens is cracked or damaged in some way.
Lens is stuck
When you keep opening your camera and the lens is getting stuck, you could have some residue stuck within your lens. If this is the case, try to remove the depre with air. You can use a can of compressed air, blowing the air into the lense to remove the residue. If you do not have any compressed air on hand, you can use a small piece of paper to clean around the lens barrel. If you are still having problems, you should send the camera back into the manufacturer to replace the lens barrel.
Cracked lens
If you have a cracked lens, the best decision is to get it replaced. This problem is not able to be fixed at home and should be looked at by professionals. You can send it in to your local electronics store or send it back to the manufacturer.
Sticky or damaged buttons
The buttons are broken/damaged or the buttons are constantly getting stuck.
Buttons keep getting stuck
When buttons can't be pressed or they keep getting stuck, there may be something below the physical button holding it up. To fix this, remove the button by carefully taking apart the camera and make sure nothing is stuck below it. If there is, you will need to carefully wipe off the area underneath. Once it is sufficiently clean, snap the key back into position and check if the buttons are now working. If they aren’t, send the camera back into the manufacturer for further inspection.
Buttons are cracked/broken
If your buttons happen to be cracked or broken and it is difficult to use them, the best decision is to get them replaced. You can try and see if a local electronics store or the Nikon website,, holds the parts and if they do to order them. If not, you can send it back into the manufacturer to get them replaced professionally.
Buttons aren’t responding
If the keys do not respond, the keyboard may be broken or disconnected and will need to be replaced.
Damaged screen
The screen is cracked or damaged and you are unable to see any images.
Cracked screen
If you have cracked your screen on your camera, it can be an easy replacement. You can order a new screen on the Nikon website, or replace it yourself using this guide.
A crack on the LCD screen
If you have a visible crack on your screen thats not on the screen itself, you have a damaged LCD screen. Fortunately a damaged LCD screen can be an easy fix. A new screen is available at or your nearest electronics store.
Screen displays nothing but black
If you are able to take a picture but the cameras screen shows nothing but black, then it is another case of a damaged LCD screen. Fortunately, as shown above, it can be an easy fix at home. You can also send it into your manufacturer or local electronics store to be fixed.
Flash won't work
When taking a picture, the flash will not go off.
Flash won't work, but light bulb is fine
Press the lightning looking button on the multi selector. Then move through the menu to select the desired flash effect, that is not in the 'OFF MODE'.
Flash is enabled but still won't go off
If after turning the flash on, or making sure it is on, and it still wont go off while taking a picture, then your bulb is burnt out or damaged. With this problem, you will have to replace the burnt out buld with a new one. You can buy a new bulb at or at your local electronics store.
6 comentarios
how to change the lightbulb?
William Dutcher - Contestar
This is weird and an S8100 not S8200. Dropped the camera [duh] and a front corner of the frame popped out a bit. I managed to push it carefully back in place, but began getting various error messages, and the flash won’t pop up properly. Put it away for a year, then recently tried to fix, only to find the front rubbery surface is sticky and gooey. Not melted - camera was in cool and dry storage. Will turn on but get error messages about mode setting. Aside from the sticky surface rendering it unusable, is there any way to fix the electronics? Should I take it apart? Is it worth taking to an electronics store?
Dirk D - Contestar
My Nikon S8200 was dropped. Pictures have horizontal lines across. I’d love to save the camera. Any ideas?
Charles Moore - Contestar
Camera was dropped on hard surface. Camera behaves normally except the images have several horizontal lines across. The camera has been my favorite. I’d like to save it.
Skip Moore
Charles Moore - Contestar
My camera's charger is working and blink camera's green led but camera does not power on…
What kind of problem it is???
Please suggest me
Nadim Uddin - Contestar
I failed to download the latest firmware for the coolpix s8200 before Nikon quit supporting it. Would someone be willing to send me a copy of the latest firmware for it as a file? Thanks. David
David Starr - Contestar