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No big deal!

emtandy -

iPhone 4S

iPhone 4S Battery Replacement

iPhone 4S Battery Replacement

10 - 30 minutos


Mi Problema

My battery life was total crap and I'm nowhere near ready to get an upgrade. What to do? I had heard you can change out the battery so I did some research.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

Repair was pretty easy! I was so nervous, but all in all it took me about 15 mins. I turned it back on, no issues and battery life is like new!

Mi Consejo

Battery may be tough to get off the adhesive, and the grounding clip- make sure you know where and how that goes in. Mine fell out, but I put it back in like the photos had it and what I remembered before it fell out!

Imagen de iPhone 4S Battery
iPhone 4S Battery


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