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I fixed my own Ipod!

kramf -

iPod 4th Generation or Photo

iPod 4th Generation or Photo Battery Replacement

iPod 4th Generation or Photo Battery Replacement

15 minuto - 1 hora


Mi Problema

Very short battery life

Mi SoluciĆ³n

I found it much more difficult to get the Ipod apart than the repair guide made it look. However, I found that with a little persistence, I was able to get it open.

Mi Consejo

Be persistent. It will take a few (or maybe 10 or 12) tries to get the first corner of the Ipod open enough to separate the pieces. Once the first corner is done the Ipod basically comes right apart.

Imagen de Spudger


Imagen de T6 Torx Screwdriver
T6 Torx Screwdriver


Imagen de iPod 4G/Photo Battery
iPod 4G/Photo Battery


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