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Went smoothly, and was done in an hour

laskart -

MacBook Core Duo

MacBook Core Duo Hard Drive Replacement

MacBook Core Duo Hard Drive Replacement

5 - 30 minutos


Mi Problema

My good old early 2008 mbp has been working intensely in the Israel heat, it has followed me on trips hikes and photo shoots (I am a guide-terp) but lately started to make the noise of an angry bee and tended to overheat.

I followed once already you wonderful instructions to replace the fans by a set of "new" fans bought over a famous vendor on the net. Well, the replacement went smoothly, but the fans weren't as new as advertised, and I soon was plagued by the same problem.

So I broke the piggy bank, ordered the replacement parts, and even got a great surprise in the form of an external hdd enclosure and a set of screws (thank you ifixit).

Mi SoluciĆ³n

faster than my local apple techie would have billed me for.

within an hour, hdd upgraded and fans replaced and fresh install on the way on the new 7200 rpm 750 gb hdd :)

Mi Consejo

None, keep it that way.

But hey, get the spudger set, it is worth every penny

Imagen de Spudger


Imagen de MacBook Pro 15" (Model A1211, A1226, and A1260) Left Fan
MacBook Pro 15" (Model A1211, A1226, and A1260) Left Fan


Imagen de MacBook Pro 15" (Model A1211, A1226, and A1260) Right Fan
MacBook Pro 15" (Model A1211, A1226, and A1260) Right Fan


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