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Ipod battery repacement

Harleykids -

iPod 4th Generation or Photo

iPod 4th Generation or Photo Battery Replacement

iPod 4th Generation or Photo Battery Replacement

15 minuto - 1 hora


Mi Problema

I love my Ipod and when it would only hold a charge for about 4 minutes I thought I was going to have to invest in a new one

Mi SoluciĆ³n

I found the Ifixit site and ordered the new battery. It came within the week and the directions online were easy to follow. The tools were a little flimsey on the ends but going slow and a little patience in the opening of the case paid off. The rest was a snap.

Mi Consejo

take it easy on the tool edge. it will bend if you force it.

Imagen de iPod 4G/Photo Battery
iPod 4G/Photo Battery


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