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I'm terrible at soldering but still managed to do this repair.

Zack Roman -

Switch Pro Controller

Imagen del relato

Nintendo Switch Pro Controller Joystick Module Replacement

50 minuto


Mi Problema

Left joystick was really wobbly (stick jiggled a lot without sending any input) and would also sometimes drift with no user input.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

I'm terrible at soldering so it took about 40 minutes to get the joystick module off the PCB. At about the 30 minute mark I started using flux and it made desoldering so much easier. The guide doesn't talk about it but I highly recommend using flux to solder/desolder.

Mi Consejo

Use flux! (After you have finished, use some iso-propyl alcohol and a short-bristled brush to remove the flux residue)

Imagen de Nintendo Switch Pro Controller Joystick
Nintendo Switch Pro Controller Joystick


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