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water damaged keyboard/ MacBook pro 13"

Robert Dragon -

MacBook Pro 13" Retina Display Early 2015

MacBook Pro 13" Retina Display Early 2015 Upper Case Replacement

MacBook Pro 13" Retina Display Early 2015 Upper Case Replacement

3 hora


Mi Problema

Water damaged keyboard. My daughter spilled a bottle of water on the keyboard.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

With the step by step instructions it went perfect. Replaced the whole keyboard Assembly with batteries. Saved over 50% of what Apple wanted to repair it.

Mi Consejo

Definitely would buy iFixit parts again. With the step by step instructions and the tool list a person with any kind of medium technical ability can fix their own equipment.

Imagen de MacBook Pro 13" Retina (Early 2015) Upper Case Assembly
MacBook Pro 13" Retina (Early 2015) Upper Case Assembly


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