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A Frustrating Problem Fixed Easily

Benjamin Anderson -

Xbox One

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Xbox One Hard Drive Replacement

1 hora


Mi Problema

My original Xbox One’s hard drive went out after four years of heavy use. Despite replacing it with an Xbox One X shortly after, I decided it’d be worth the cost of a new hard drive to have a second console up and running.

Mi Solución

The repair went smoothly since the iFixit video guides were easy to follow and I had all the recommended tools for the job. Because of the guides, the repair took roughly one hour.

Mi Consejo

While the hard drive comes formatted for Xbox One, you’ll still need an 8gb thumb drive to perform an Xbox OSU1 update offline. Once the physical repair is completed, you’ll need to do this so the console’s firmware can function properly. Also, keep three small dishes handy to store the three sets of screws you’ll have to undo to open the console.

Imagen de iFixit Opening Tool
iFixit Opening Tool


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