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Rear camera replacement

Peter Halenbeck -

iPhone 6s Plus

iPhone 6s Plus iSight Camera Replacement

iPhone 6s Plus iSight Camera Replacement

2 hora


Mi Problema

Rear camera had random vibrations/blurry image

Mi SoluciĆ³n

Ifixit instructions were perfect. Reassembly is much harder than disassembly. I highly recommend getting a strong pair of magnifying glasses, those screws and connectors are really small and delicate.

Mi Consejo

I highly recommend getting a strong pair of magnifying glasses, those screws and connectors are really small and delicate. I also printed on paper the images of the screw layouts from the Ifixit instructions, then put two sided clear tape over the image so I could stick the screws to the layout for easy reassembly.

Imagen de iPhone 6s Plus Rear Camera
iPhone 6s Plus Rear Camera


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