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Jordan Rigdon -

iPhone 5s

iPhone 5s Lightning Connector Replacement

iPhone 5s Lightning Connector Replacement

2 hora


Mi Problema

My charging port had gotten so bad it was nearly impossible to charge my phone. With a bad old battery, my phone was constantly dying, but I dreaded having to charge my phone to the point I would barely use my phone in fear that the battery would die.

Mi Solución

The repair was straight forward and fairly easy. Just time consuming.

Take your time!! Don’t get frustrated! It takes a lot of patients.

Be meticulous with everything you take out, and make sure everything goes back in the exact way it came out.

Mi Consejo

I’m glad I took on this task, I can now use my phone again, and saved a lot of money over buying a new phone!

Imagen de iPhone 5s Lightning Connector and Headphone Jack
iPhone 5s Lightning Connector and Headphone Jack


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