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Replacement of LCD board & motherboard times 2

kenscsmr -

Nexus 7 2nd Generation

Nexus 7 2nd Generation Micro USB/Daughterboard Replacement

Nexus 7 2nd Generation Micro USB/Daughterboard Replacement

20 minuto


Mi Problema

Initially the device had some sporadic problems but the worst was trouble charging with the USB charger.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

After removing and installing my first board, the unit started but the screen did not respond to touch. I took it apart and put back together several times and finally gave up figuring I may have damaged something. I decided to give it another try and ordered another board and did that replacement. Again it gave me the same results. After letting it set a day and thinking about it. I looked at some more videos describing this type of repair and all I could tell is that possibly I missed closing one of the clips. So I opened it again and sure enough one cable clip was not closed, so I closed it and wala, it works!!

Mi Consejo

Be patient and don't give up

Imagen de Nexus 7 (2nd Gen Wi-Fi) LCD Board
Nexus 7 (2nd Gen Wi-Fi) LCD Board


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