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Clamsy inlaw saved!

Lehrer System -

MacBook Unibody Model A1278

MacBook Unibody Model A1278 Hard Drive Cable Replacement

MacBook Unibody Model A1278 Hard Drive Cable Replacement


Mi Problema

Macbook fell off the shoulder bag of my brother inlaw.

Booting from an external hd worked fine, so i figured it was either the cable or the hd. Since the hd was OK, cable was broken.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

Ordered in express the appropriate cable, opened the dusty beast (2008 Macbook), and fixed it. Took the opportunity to put in a 1TB hd as well

Mi Consejo

The guides here are the best

Imagen de MacBook Unibody (A1278) Hard Drive Cable
MacBook Unibody (A1278) Hard Drive Cable


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