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Water damage and a power boost

jeremydurling -

MacBook Air 13" Late 2010

MacBook Air 13" Late 2010 Battery Replacement

MacBook Air 13" Late 2010 Battery Replacement

15 minuto


Mi Problema

My I/O board sustained water damage while living in humid environments for the past 4 years, and it had signs of corrosion. The most annoying problem was the intermittent charging. The battery was not in the worst shape (~1200 charge cycles), but since I was opening up the case, I decided to replace it at the same time.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

The guide was spot on. No issues at all.

Mi Consejo

If you have a compressed air canister, it is a good time to clean the dust that accumulates over the years. Take extra care when dealing with the small connections.

Imagen de T5 Torx Screwdriver
T5 Torx Screwdriver


Imagen de P5 Pentalobe Screwdriver Retina MacBook Pro and Air
P5 Pentalobe Screwdriver Retina MacBook Pro and Air


Imagen de MacBook Air 13" (Late 2010) I/O Board
MacBook Air 13" (Late 2010) I/O Board


Imagen de MacBook Air 13" (Late 2010-2017) Battery
MacBook Air 13" (Late 2010-2017) Battery


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