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Don't be frightened!

gregorynowell -

iPhone 4S

iPhone 4S Battery Replacement

iPhone 4S Battery Replacement

10 - 30 minutos


Mi Problema

The battery depleted quickly, it was almost 3 years old.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

No problems. The guide was easy to follow and I was done in under 10 minutes. The longest part of the fix was prying out the original battery. I could probably do it in under 5 minutes next time.

Mi Consejo

If you are thinking about replacing your battery, just do it. Ifixit cost less than a third of Apple replacing the battery and I didn't have to wait an hour.

Imagen de iPhone 4S Battery
iPhone 4S Battery


Imagen de Anti-Static Project Tray
Anti-Static Project Tray


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