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Not Enough Space

Lojeck -

MacBook Core Duo

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MacBook Core Duo Hard Drive Replacement

5 - 30 minutos


Mi Problema

I had a hard drive with 160 GB of space. I do a lot of graphic art and multimedia work and my disk space was full and it began a kernel panic that would cut my machine off in the middle of projects. Grrrr!

Mi SoluciĆ³n

The repair was straight forward and simple :)

Mi Consejo

Make sure to download a hard drive cloning program like SuperDuper!

Also, if you disconnect your battery connector from your logic board make sure to plug it back in. I forgot and powered up! Luckily the connector went back into place when I closed it back up...whew!!

Imagen de 1 TB 5400 RPM 2.5" Hard Drive
1 TB 5400 RPM 2.5" Hard Drive


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