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MacBook 3.1 Intermittent display backlight

fstifel -

MacBook Core Duo

MacBook Core Duo Inverter Cable Replacement

MacBook Core Duo Inverter Cable Replacement


Mi Problema

When waking from sleep. backlight is intermittent as display is raised. Examination shows that the image is always there, but the lighting is dependent on display/top cover position. But, the inverter cable may not be the problem. Could be loose/dirty plug, etc.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

Haven't replaced cable yet, as the computer is useable. Will do when I have time. Will check existing cable and if it's OK will send the replacement back to IFixit, along with another G4 laptop for parts.

Mi Consejo

Don't know if this is a common problem; will see how it does after inverter cable replacement.

Imagen de MacBook (Core Duo/Core 2 Duo) Inverter Cable
MacBook (Core Duo/Core 2 Duo) Inverter Cable


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