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Broken Back Glass

sarahanndean -

iPhone 4 Verizon

iPhone 4 Verizon Rear Panel Replacement

iPhone 4 Verizon Rear Panel Replacement

5 minuto


Mi Problema

Tape just didn't cut it, because the back glass kept cutting me, even on the edges where tape couldn't reach.

Mi SoluciĆ³n

I followed along with a youtube video, and had absolutely no problem with the actual replacement or instructions except having to turn the phone off again when I accidentally turned it on while trying to get the screws out.

Mi Consejo

Don't try to do the replacement procedure while there are preschoolers underfoot. They find it far too interesting and want to help with the "kid-sized" tools.

Imagen de iPhone 4 (CDMA/Verizon) Blank Rear Glass Panel
iPhone 4 (CDMA/Verizon) Blank Rear Glass Panel


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