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Someone used other than stock fan in iBook G4?


I once opened my ibook G4 1,33GHz 12" for replacing a Hard Drive and also swapped some parts from another identic model. The fans were different.

While minde had the same that can be seen in the parts section, the other had a bigger fan in it. That fan almost fills the hole of were the fan sits, while mine had about 3-5mm space arround it.

I swapped the fan, cause I thought it might cool better. It rattles, maybe oil would do it.

My question now actually is, whether there is someone of you who had replaced the stock one with a bigger and can tell me whether it cools better (I can't tell, because I do not know what the new HDD adds to the heat).

Thanks very much

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So, if it is not a wire vibrating, I will have to get another (perhaps 14" ibook's) fan or just put in the original one again. I didn't see any third party fans.

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Larger fan=more air flow=better cooling... but, also bigger drain on battery power. Rattling could be bad/bent bearing (bad), OR a loose wire or cable vibrating in the stronger air flow (fixable with some tape).

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