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Quinta generacion de iPhone. La reparación de este dispositivo es fácil y requiere destornilladores, herramientas de hacer palanca, y paciencia. GSM/CDMA /16, 32, o 64 GB / Negro o Blanco.

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Replaced battery but won't charge

Recently I replaced my iPhone 4s battery using the steps provided in this site. After I was finished reassembling the phone I plugged it in to charge. The Apple logo will appear as if it is restarting normally. But it will only appear for 4-5 seconds before it disappears. It repeats coming and going about every 4-5 seconds. Any suggestions.

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I have the same problem I conect to the computer and It doesnt charge the battery. andy suggestion?

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after connecting the charger battery shows fully charged at same level that means battery is cheap one or fault in logic board

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I have the same problem and the shop were i fixend my iPhone has only THE original iPhone batery.

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I had the same problem then I put the old battery back in and it was fixed

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I inherited my 4s from my son when he upgraded to a 5. He said "the battery has never worked right".

What I discovered was that it was extremely sensitive to the charger: only certain chargers and certain charging cables would work, and then, only about 70% of the time (have to plug and replug those that it would accept, until it accepted them). It had nothing to do with cleaning the connector, hard-rebooting, or other simple solutions.

It's like there's a circuit inside that determines if it's going to charge from whatever power is being applied, and rejecting most everything. Just too sensitive.

Then, it got so sensitive, that only 1 in 50 attempts to charge would work (allow charging), then it would not charge with anything. This ramp down happened within a day.

... to be continued...

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This is the problem of only battery. this new battery is after market . Ask you seller to change it becoz these batteries will not work. this is very cheap battery it only shows charging but actually it only discharging slowly slowly. change the battery is the option you have to do for your iphone works normally .

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It is a new battery, I changed recently.

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that doesnot mean your new battery is working properly okieee. try with another. do one thing remove the battery from working iphone and use it here your iphone will work .

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Do one thing , remove the battery from the phone then put into the charger it will behave like as same now behaving okiee. do this that means battery is bad or battery connecter on the logic board become faulty

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I will try it but I don't think that it is the battery cause with the original battery was doing the same and now with this new battery it is still doing it but i will try it, any other suggestion?

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Oh! these iFixit batteries. I wanted to believe that they were a safe bet and got me one. Installed it and then disappointment. Charging stuck at 47%; essentially it wouldn't take charge. Phone wouldn't work without being plugged in. Even then, applications crashed on launching. And no wi-fi.

After waiting enough for a miracle, I disassembled the phone again, installed the old battery and everything went back to normal, including a battery that would not last long.

Shame on iFixit for selling garbage and shame on Apple for not making replacement batteries available to their costumers.

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I hate to say it but simran might be right. I just did a battery replacement from ifixit and it wouldn't charge afterward. The indicator said that the plug was in but the charge symbol didn't appear. I took the thing apart 6 times and reassembled thinking I missed something. Finally I put the old battery back in and it was charging just like normal(although the battery still runs out quick because it's old). I think I'm just going to hang in there until the 5 comes out hopefully soon.

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This is a problem with ALL Lithium ion batteries... if they have sat on the shelf too long and become completely discharged, it will be very difficult to put a charge on it. Lithium ion batteries should not be completely discharged. I have the same problem now with my iphone 4s - replaced the battery and apple logo is flashing. Tried to restore the iphone but I get an error 21 in iTunes. The problem is during restart of the phone during the restore process - because the battery is completely discharged, the phone shuts off momentarily instead of restarting. That is why itunes fails on the restore process. Don't fall for the $9 iphone battery trick - the old saying "you get what you pay for"...

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Exactly the same for me...

Did you fix it?

I think there's something wrong in the hardware of the Iphone, like the battery connector or something. Hope you have found a solution in the mean time that you wanna share with me ;).

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I had similar problem, iphone has new original battery. iPhone was not charging, only the small red battery logo, after 1 day on the charger, still nothing. Then the second day, it was full 100% charged and works normally after. i hope you will be lucky too.

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Bought new Iphone 4 battery. Didn't charge.

Had to go back to the old battery :/

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The charging USB port may have lint or something blocking your charger. I had the same thing happen with my motorola photon, ands there was some lint in the charging port. The battery would not charge, and agree I cleaned the port out, out works fine now. It took a little time to get all the lint out. You may need a magnifying glass to be able to see inside the charging port/jack.

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You are absolutely right. had problem as above then I gave it a Duster blast's working just fine.

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My problem too. Can't get to charge or turn on - gives me a dead battery symbol when charging but nothing works. going to replace old battery and see if that works I guess.

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reinstalled the old one and it works just as before so must be the battery was bad.

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I say you look for a better battery or get it changed from apple

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Not the battery in my case, I have tried 3 original iPhone 4 batteries and the phone won't charge, tried hard reset and that doesn't help

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Here's what I found... The exact same thing happened to me. The problem is with the new battery. If a lithium battery sits on the shelf for too long and it totally drains all of it's charge, it will be impossible to charge it up again using normal means. My advice is to call your battery supplier and get them to replace the battery with one that they have actually tested. After 3 tries I finally got a battery that worked.

Hope this helps!!

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Same here I had two batteries purchased on line $ 12 with tool kit and $8.00 without tools delivered and both nearly dead on arrival for an I phone 4S. I gave the phone to a repair store to put in another new battery and disappointing that it worked exactly like the old battery I gave to them that was barely working. Then I had Verizon shut it off and transfer data to iphone 5C. I charged up the dead 4S with no roaming service and it works when connected to my wireless server, and now it holds juice almost as good as the new phone. I am going to try one more battery store and a different mobile service.

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Hi I have an iphone 4 its just had a new battery and new charger and has been on charge for 24 hrs and still only showing afew red lines. Do I need a new battery again.

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Had this issue after replacing with new ifixit battery. Couldn't reset the phone at all. Let the phone sit on charger about 15 minutes and it came on with 6% charge showing. Reset the phone to clear the "searching" error and it works normally now.

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Same thing happened to me but my old battery just would only last a quarter of what it used to last so i replaced it and the apple logo kept showing up so I put the old battery in and it is fixed

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Need more information I had similar issues after moving to ios 9. Now I am using an 3 year old iphone 5C with ios 8.4 it works like new except short on newest BS features. Some blame resides with Apple's new ios, or it could be our roaming servers fault, settings, charger, cable, pin lint,. My phones internal OCD obsessive compulsive disorder must have caused my phone to heat up even when not plugged in or on. I tried all the tricks I could find on line to jump start the battery, reset the phone, I even tried the hair dryer pointed at phone to get it to turn on, and Charging in the freeze. The only thing that worked was putting in the old weak battery every time. Its either these mouse traps. or we retrofit to land line phones, with long distance charges, and LP edison record players. Haha

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Changed my sons I phone battery it charges but only abit why it's not charging good I don't no every thing working on phone any one no what I can do been charging for 4hrs and its on 5% think I might just put in old battery back in

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Don't no why my sons I phone 4s battery won't charge properly it's got a new battery and everything working on phone but been charging for 3hrs and its on 5%

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Guys check the contacts on the little metal connector. Mine didn't come with them wrapped under the connector thus making contact. If I'd noticed that hours ago, I'd have saved myself reading all these notes about all sorts of nonsense that was never a problem. The problem was Chinese mass production, no QA and no real instructions given with the product. It rebooted like fury all night. Would not work without a mains plug. On certain plugs would not boot into iOS , then I bent a few bits of wire and HEY PRESTO! All is good in phone world! My advice. Don't read all the above until you have looked at your battery. Physically look see if the contacts are sticking out straight from the connector. If so they shouldn't be. they need to be tucked under to make contact. Bend them under you will be me I'm a writer!

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can you please explain what you have done? I have a similar problem, thanks

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thank you very much :) your answer actually just solved my problem! I have been struggling with my phone all day

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I too have same problem. I will try charging for 8 hours and post the result here on 18 Sep before 10:00 AM IST.

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Charged for 6 hours plus. Even now my iPhone is not charging. :(LOL

Planning to try hair dryer tips.

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So? Hair dryer trick worked?

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Many users who downloading the software update over wi-fi found their phones becoming completely useless. After installing the software, instead of their iPhone or iPad automatically turning back on with iOS,,,,

Here I found a usefull article on IPhone IPad Can’t Update apps

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Unable to solve iPhone 6s won’t charge issue???? Fed up with trying out all the different methods??? No problem. I am here to help and direct you in a right way. Nothing is impossible. Am I right? Well, there are a lot of methods that completely wash out the issue in less time. And by trying out these will also reduce wastage of time and money very well.

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i got battery replaced in iphone 4 it worked and charged to 100 i watched and i saw it but by morning its completely dead no little battery on screen no nothing

i kept old battery which was broken so what am i supposed to do i can’t buy a new phone i don’t have enough money 20£ wasted and a still broken phone oh well may as well wait till my contract ends

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Updating software with apple will kill any iphone phone eventually. Read the fine print they control how long they will last. You have to agree to their terms or no use. I put 3 new batteries from three different sources into an Iphone 4. only the old battery worked for a short time. Gotta love the old dial phones land lines from the 1940 and 1950 they still work.

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I had a similar problem just recently. Do the replacement (ifixit parts + tools). Reassemble, slide the back closed, screws. Plug into the charger. You see the apple, then it goes black. Then apple, then goes black (bad). Put the old battery back in, plug in, no problem. When you plug in the charger you see the empty battery and it’s charging (good). My problem ended up being that pressure switch. As soon as that contacted the back of the phone, it would go dead. So new battery in, don’t replace the back of the phone, plug in the charger, phone boots up, 50% charge in the battery. As soon as you put the phone back on and slide it closed, phone goes dead. Plugging in charger gets you the apple-black-apple-black again (phone won’t boot). Pop the phone back off, plug in, phone boots fine.

Note the pressure switch worked fine with the old battery and clip. Not sure what’s up with the new one. It might be fine to just leave the pressure switch out or make it so the pressure switch can’t contact the metal part of the phone back which is what I ended up doing with a small piece of the sticky clear battery extraction material (you pulled on the clear tab to get the battery out).

Could be the orientation of the pressure switch gold contact. It looks pretty square in the picture but maybe needs to be as far toward the battery and as far to the top of the phone as possible (the range of works/doesn’t may be small).

Before blaming the battery, try it without the phone back installed and see if the phone boots up ok. Try not to get zapped.

Note: I’m not using this 4s as a phone, just a wifi enabled IPOD with a screen and a web browser.

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