Error Cannot Load EFI Drivers
2012 13" A1466 MacBook Air (OSX Catalina 10.15.7
The unit was running fine until sudden;y it didn't want to load OS on boot, just hanged for a very long time then shut down by itself.
So I ran the apple diagnostics test only to get at the top left of the screen :
Error Code 0x000000000000003 Cannot Load EFI/Drivers/TestSupport.efi
Also a topic Here & @danj who answered Here but provided no real solution that I can find, same Here. @oldturkey03 any ideas?
I have Reset NVRAM/PRAM & SMC countless times. Tried 2 different apple SSD's that are from 2 other 2012 MacBook Airs of the same year, model, OS and specs..... all have fresh installs of Catalina without any added software's. Tried with different batteries. etc etc..... I have been on this all day....So, IF anyone has a KNOWN fix for this it would be greatly appreciated. Driving me nuts.
UPDATE: Suddenly as if by magic I get to the create account setup but the system is very very laggy and everything takes much longer than it should.... The fan is a full speed all the time.... obviously something is not functioning correctly....
Es esta una buena pregunta?
You have the answer as pointed out in the links. Apple broke diagnostics and won’t fix it.
- de Dan
@danj Yes, but how did it get broken when it was working fine 2 days ago? weird. Anyway, I am trying 2 new methods to see if that makes any progress....
Wiping the drive in recovery mode (show all devices & select the top layer, it showed 2x data volumes which is odd) and now installing Catalina on it. FAILED
Next, I will try to install on an external, then boot it on the problem unit and try to clone it over to the internal SSD but I doubt that will help much..... what would actually be the point in trying this?
I think it needs to get in the recovery mode on the unit in question to install the system and that way it will hopefully overwrite any codes that maybe on the board somewhere (Beyond me).... Failing these 2 methods, I will try in target mode.....FAILED in Target mode.... Need to use a similar age laptop to do this.... and cannot as all have Catalina of this age.... Looks like it is easier to just junk this unit for parts..... time is money as they say. will update.
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Trying without any luck so far to install every OS since Lion on it...... always the same results, it gets to the setup screens and is super slow and laggy....almost gets there then shuts down by itself. Seems nothing works and the unit has junked itself. Is this what is happening to other also?
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@danj It somehow by itself displayed recovery network mode!
I have one chance here, what to select to install as OS that will have a proper recovery mode?
Terminal command to download the OS it original it was shipped with or Catalina the last supported OS? Or what to do? The arrow is seriously lagging.... hard to do anything.....
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I tried booting from a HDD on a USB but it is still incredibly slow..... does this mean the unit is junked? What exactly is this issue and how to reinstall these needed drivers or whatever????
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