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Models: A013F / A013F/DS / A013G / A013G/DS / A013M

Preguntas 13 Ver todo

Mobile phone screen is broken

Mobile phone screen is broken

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كيفية إصلاح شاشة الهاتف

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@msosrlaamkd لإصلاح شاشتك، اتبع الخطوات كما هو موضح في الإجابة.

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1 Respuesta

@adomamoh you picked the Samsung Galaxy A01 Core as your device. Since iFixit does not yet have a guide for it use something like this video for the repair. Replacement screens are readily available at numerous online places. Just ensure that you get one that fits your phones version

While you work on your phone, take lots of pictures. Once you are done with it, take those pictures and create a guide for iFixit. That will help the next person that has the same problem as you do. It's easy and fun to create these guides. The iFixit community will appreciate this.

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