Is this CPU compatible?
I know about delidding the CPUs for the 4,1 (which I have) but will the X5675 on this page work?
Here it says it will work,
But do I have to find a delidded version?
Es esta una buena pregunta?
I know about delidding the CPUs for the 4,1 (which I have) but will the X5675 on this page work?
Here it says it will work,
But do I have to find a delidded version?
Es esta una buena pregunta?
Hello @beanman56
Apologies in advance but I am not Oldturkey03
But I do know that the cpu will work in a Mac Pro 4,1 BUT ONLY IF YOU FLASH IT TO 5,1 I cannot stress this enough,in order for this to work you need to do it
As for de-liding people really like to charge a premium for delided cpus so I would order a deliding vise and to it manually
I have a 5,1 and it has the Intel Xeon X5675 so just a little more assurance for you :-)
Hopefully this answers your question
Fue útil esta respuesta?
Uhh, I'm not that confident in being able to do it.
Thanks for trying.
No worries:-)
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12 comentarios
@beanman56 probably be easier that to match the heatsink like this,... but will cost you way more
- de oldturkey03
Ughh.. could I just get a heat sink from a 2012?
- de Ben Capehart
@beanman56 probably not. To easy :-) Just shim it. Couple of washers and you'll be set.
- de oldturkey03
so put washers on the screws so it's not putting too much pressure on the CPU (because it's made for a delidded CPU)when tightening??
- de Ben Capehart
@oldturkey03 - so put washers on the screws so it's not putting too much pressure on the CPU (because it's made for a delidded CPU)when tightening??
- de Ben Capehart
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