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Can water get trapped under the screen resulting in an odd white stain

I was cleaning my iPhone 5, I used an old toothbrush to get gunk out of the small crevices. I also used electronic wipes near the silent mode switch. I powered the device back on, and when it was booting up I saw a large white stain on the corner of the device. It slowly disappeared after a few days, but it’s still somewhat there. Is this water? Is it permanent? How can I fix it?

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im pretty sure if its caught between the glass in the LCD you might be out of luck. can u take a picture of it?

i would go into this expecting to have to replace the screen but one thing that i would try is trying to get some alcohol in there. use the highest percentage you can find though. 90+% id say 99 if you can get your hands on it. let it soak through and then air it out for a couple of hours ATLEAST and then try to power it up and see how it looks before completely reassemble.

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Can I use hydrogen peroxide?

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i wouldnt. that stuff would probably cause alot of bubbles and what not to be trapped. alcohol is your best bet as itll evaporate on its own.

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