Help with some doubts. Replace cells for Li-ion battery.
This battery is a Panasonic 25.2V 13.2Ah Li-ion battery for an electric bicycle. It is 7 or 8 years old. When new, a full charge was good for 70km and now just 20km. Buying a new battery from Panasonic costs 304 USD and sending it to a third party to have the Li-ion batteries inside costs 210 USD and 290USD. And they only guarantee 60 to 80% or the original charge in the cheaper option and 80% in the more expensive one. So it is better to spend the money on a new one or so I thought . The “cells” inside the battery are normal 18650 Li-ion batteries and the are pretty cheap, even the Sony branded ones. 20USd for a pack of 4 I think and there are some even cheaper on amazon-jp
I found a video in youtube for the exact model as my battery, the guy just tears the battery apart and doesn’t show how he changed the li-ion batteries or how he welded them together ( watch?v=yH_ZpWyQtzY ).
So my question is, why are the batteries in the center mixed with negative and positive and the side ones just positive or negative. I will just follow the same pattern to avoid any issues, just wondering WHY??!!.
Checa the before and after from that video and see how the center batteries are mixing + and - on the same side (same circuit?).
I am also buying a cheap spot welder from amazon to weld the batteries to my DIY metal board, the original was torn apart in the process of freeing the batteries inside. Like in the image below.
Any help, regarding the correct way to handle Li-ion batteries will be much much appreciated, by me and my wallet.
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