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The Samsung Galaxy S3 is a multi-touch, slate-format smartphone with eye-tracking ability, increased storage, and a wireless charging option.

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Which board has the memory?

I've got a double whammy going on my Galaxy S3. One, the charging port has deteriorated to the point where I can't do a backup (although I can still charge the battery). Two, I've recently been getting "The data partition has been corrupted" messages. I was going to replace the charging port until the data problem showed up. Now it seems that maybe I should replace the motherboard, because that would replace the charging port, and maybe the questionable memory in one operation.

So, can anybody verify that the data memory is on the motherboard and not some other board?

Also, has anybody had any experience with recovery from a corrupted data partition? I sure would like to do another data backup before I hit reset, but Android halts bootup at the point where it discovers the problem. It won't come up in safe mode, either.

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the memory ic will be on the motherboard, as for swapping them over im not sure. have you tried factory reset because if you could get the phone working then you could use recovery software to recover the files you need

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After trying various reboots (regular, safe mode and recovery mode) with and without the SD card, and after long periods without the battery, I finally decided that the data was unrecoverable and hit the reset button. Nothing happened, even after repeated tries. So this phone is very sick. Thanks for the answer, though.

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That's fascinating. I didn't know such a service existed. Thanks.

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