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Versión renovada del iPhone 3G con velocidades de procesamiento más rápidas. La reparación de este dispositivo es similar a la 3G y requiere destornilladores simples y herramientas de palanca. Modelo A1303 / 16 o 32 GB de capacidad / respaldo de plástico negro o blanco.

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Screen Blackout problem after water damage

My iphone 3gs was dropped in water by my little son. I took it and used water damage therapy by keeping it in air tight rice for one week. After that everything is ok but screen is black. when i press power button it blinks for a while and then goes black again. Sometimes the screen is OK for one or two days and after that it goes black again. I can see very little under normal light on screen however icons are quite clear under sunlight. Is there any way to bring my screen to life? Any help will be highly appreciated.

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There really is no use fixing a device that is water damage as everything can be damaged and its hard to find out what is and isn't. And it also seems like the backlight might have died, you could try replacing the screen but I wouldn't recommend.

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jac4e, I do disagree with you. there are common things that do get damaged like the backlight coil as well as the IC but there is always a chance. I currently have some issues posting an answer for some more description.

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mhk665, "water damage therapy by keeping it in air tight rice for one week. " that is more like wishful thinking than therapy. Rice is great for cooking, but it has no place in electronic repair. Using rice is about the same as doing nothing. It will not repair your phone nor will it prevent any kind of corrosion. The best thing to do is to stop using the device, (remove the battery) and to totally disassemble it. Here are the guides to help you with that. Use some sterile water and rinse the parts off to remove the sale. Then clean it with +90% isopropyl alcohol and a soft brush.. This will displace the water and stop corrosion. Use this guide to get it cleaned. It is written for a 3G but applies to your phone as well. It is okay to submerge a board in isopropyl alcohol. After that, air dry all the components. Do not forget to clean the connectors on the board as well as the cables. Then re-assemble with a new battery This is not optional but a must to avoid failure later on. Check your board for any missing or damaged component. Re-evaluate after you clean the phone. If your backlight should still not work, test the 6R8 coil. Use this video or this one and see if it is time to change that coil. Now, if a coil replacement does not resolve your issue, there is still the possibility that it is your backlight IC 109B that is giving you the trouble. That will be harder to replace and will require special tools and techniques. Of course, you would also want to try a new display assembly. Water damage is the toughest to trouble shoot and to repair. Hope this helps, good luck.

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Thank u @jac4e & @oldturkey03

Just to add

I opened up the phone after an hour or so and kept all parts apart for one week in rice. afterwards i kept the phone under sun for some time. one thing i cant understand is that sometimes it is OK for 2 ~ 3 days, what may be the reason behind that?

Thanx again. I am opening up my device at the moment.

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can you get i fix? how much will it cost?

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