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Quinta generacion de iPhone. La reparación de este dispositivo es fácil y requiere destornilladores, herramientas de hacer palanca, y paciencia. GSM/CDMA /16, 32, o 64 GB / Negro o Blanco.

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My iPhone 4s doesn't detect any wifi


First please forget my English, I'm French. My problem is that my iPhone 4s doesn't find any wifi. I've tried to reset the network and wifi. I opened it and saw if the antenna was connected (it was). I bought a new wifi and Bluetooth antenna and changed the old one, but it still doesn't work. I've no more idea. Please, it would be kind if someone could tell me what can I do to fix my problem. I've never taken my iPhone in for repairs nor have I opened it before my actual wifi failure. Thanks

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Check out your device name. Make sure it does not have anything with an apostrophe. This version of the OS is know to have issue's with that. You could also try a complete restore, not from backup and see what happens. Did you check the logic board to make sure there are no missing components:-)?

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Hi oldturkey03, thanks for answering me. I checked my device name it hasn't got any apostrophe and also tried a complete restore but it didn't worked so far.. For the logic board i don't know that much to see if there are missing components... But honestly I don't think so because my iphone add never been opened before this wifi problem. Thanks :D

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Hi Jacques

Any update on your Wifi connection?

I have the same pb as you: Wifi is searching for networks but nothing...

I just bought a new antenna and changed it but no luck


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Mine has the same issues, but my family members all have 4s phones and THEIRS is fine. Also, my three computers are fine and countless other items. I tried all above and I'm actually pretty tech-savvy. But what gives all of a sudden?

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there are several guys around the internet that say that putting the iphone in a freezer for 10-15 minutes would solve the problem. temporarily or for good? i don't know.

maybe you already tried this.

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7 Respuestas

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Another trick to try is to power off your iphone and put it in the freezer for 30 minutes to an hour. Then take it out and power it back on and see if wifi works. I had my brother do this with his iphone 4s one time and the crazy thing is it fixed his wifi issues.

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Hi computeripodrepair, Thank you so much ! I've tried your trick to put my phone in the freezer and that worked !!!! Thanks again, wish you a good day :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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this worked but after about 2 days it stopped connecting to internet again

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i dont know if this theroy is correct but i think that something in the phone have got loose since low tempreture make matter contract......

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Slt votre iphone a une panne au niveau de la piece ki gere le wifi allez vioire un technicien il le chauffe un peu si sa capte tjr pas il faut changer la piece

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ok but should i wrap a plastic cover around the iphone and place it in the freezer so that the water does not go inside the iphone or should i keep the iphone directly without wrapping anything

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Ok The freezer trick worked for me and my Iphone 4s.

Wifi button was not greyed out but when turned on the wifi would search for like a second or two and find nothing. Also no wifi icon on main screen.

20 mins in the freezer at -18c brought it out and no power, connect to charger and wait for phone to start up and wifi now working again

Obviously this is more of a workaround than a fix but will wait and see how long it lasts.

Incidentally I too changed the wifi antenna on the top right hand side of the main board first as I thought it may have been faulty but obviously this is somthing else

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noth working your trick ... and grayed out again my wifi ...

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i tried too, and i have given to service center also, as per them need to change mother board.

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My 4S also was unable to detect wifi networks. I heated my phone with a hairdryer and the wifi settings open and at a certain point networks were detected. I thought I was fixed but the next morning wifi was gone again. So I did the same thing but this time after networks were detected I did a hard reset (power and home buttons together) and this seems to have done the trick. I think that whatever heat does to reset the wifi chip, it's probably overkill and possibly damaging to the phone to heat it beyond this point (i.e. till it shuts down). Likewise, the rapid expansion and contraction caused by heating it and putting it in the freezer seems likely to cause connection problems inside the phone, due to damaging solder joints.

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Heating or Cooling in a freezer works to solve the problem temporarily. But it can come back if you switch to another Wifi Area.

You can give a try by changing your iphone name to something unique. like "iphone_yourname_code". Dont let it be just "iphone".

Good Luck!

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How do you change the name?

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Hey Jacques,

I was surprised that your phone didn't detect any wifi even after all of that. Then I found this and figured that your phone's wifi chip might have died soon after you upgraded to iOS 7. I can only confirm this if you are using iOS 7. If that is not the case, then you should try using wifi with airplane mode on or turn of cellular data.

-You aren't the only one with this problem. Take a look at this link:

-Hope this helped.

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Hi Mr Apple,

Thanks for answering me, you're right I did upgrade my iphone to iOS 7 :/

But the internet page that was on the link that you gave me says "are unable to use Wi-Fi on their iPhone 4S after upgrading to iOS 7.0.3, as the option is greyed out..."

the thing is that the wifi isn't "greyed out"...

you can look a pic on this link what's my problem :


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Mine is the same

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Heat the phone at speaker end with hairdryer till message comes up for overheating,power down,put in fridge for 15 min to cool.power up and all should work. It did for me.

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I have blow dried my phone a few times and it has worked but a few days ago my wifi stopped the wifi button isn't grayed out but when I go to wifi in settings no networks come up.?

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There is a guide here to fix a greyed out WIFI and searching problem. Basically you have to reflow the wifi IC with a heat gun but you have to be very careful not to destroy the surrounding modules. I did it by covering everything surrounding the wifi IC with thermal grease. It worked for me

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how to fix this same problem?

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That is the correct answer

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I had this problem and discovered it was a connection issue between the pad on the board and the antenna. If you have access to soldering equipment I suggest putting a small blob on the pad to raise it up and ensure a good connection to the antenna. Although the iphone doesn’t pick up as many networks as my laptop, it at least picks up the closest. Hope this helps!

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