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iPhone de cuarta generación. La reparación es sencilla, pero el cristal frontal y la pantalla LCD deben ser reemplazados como una unidad. GSM / 8, 16, o 32 GB de capacidad / Modelo A1332 / Blanco y Negro.

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lcd bleed but no glass damage

I recently did a screen replacement and customer came back a few days later saying "there's black marks on my screen" upon inspection I discovered the LCD was cracked and bleeding, but there was no damage to the glass, he agreed it was cracked and left without arguing, though said "I don't know how I couldve done that It's been in my pocket the whole time" now weeks later I just got a call from him saying he consulted with "professionals" and they assured him it was definitely a defective screen... Any opinions on this? If that's the likely answer then I'll be happy to give him a new screen (though I doubt my supplier will feel the same way) but if there's a way that he could have broken the lcd underneath without breaking the glass, like from pressure putting it in an otterbox or keys pushing against it in his pocket, then I'm at a loss as to what to say/do. What would you guys say or do?

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Laurie, as a business decision, I would replace the LCD. Regardless of what caused it, you will loose at least this customer, as well as anyone he knows. It may cost you a few $$ but you may minimize the damage to the reputation of your business. As for why it happened, nobody will ever really know. The likelihood the one breaks the LCD without the glass, is low. Not impossible, but also not very likely. MY suspicion would be a bad LCD as well.

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I dropped my iPhone 6 a few days ago onto my laminate flooring at some force , the top right corner of my screen has a big black ink bleed on it & faint lines all over the screen which keeps flickering. But I Don’t have any cracks etc on the actual screen itself.

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How do you fix this ??? This just happened with my iPhone X

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I recently took my phone underwater and a few days later I got the same black splotches all over my phone. It moves around, and disappears in one place while it appears again in another.

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It also happened to my iPhone too. It’s an iPhone 11 , l dozed off in bed with my phone. I bet l slept on top of it or something but when l woke up it had white little lines on top and on the bottom part of it. I just took it and placed it on charger , then boom the faint little white lines where gone. But l have a feeling that something really happened to the lcd screen. But l am not so sure because there are no cracks on the actual screen 😭😭😭

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I agree with old turkey. I also have a small phone repair business. I would just replace it depending on where you get your screens from you know the actual cost to make this customer happy is minimal.

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Thanks, this is my thought as well... I've been doing this for 4 years and have done at least 1000+ screen replacements, so my hesitance is probably more based on the attitude "I asked a professional" insinuating that I don't know what I'm talking about, though i've just read post after post of people saying "i just took it out of my pocket and the lcd was broken under the glass"... and warranty coverage stating "you can damage your phone by carrying it in a pocket". But alas, I will bite my tongue and keep the customer happy, though I will likely tell him to stop carrying his phone in his pocket! Appreciate your input!

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I think that is the "right" way. Sometimes it is easier to take the path of less resistance ;-), and remember it is always business, not personal. I am certain that you are a good tech, and the customer will know that too, you know he will refer more business to you.

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It is well known that leaving an LCD unprotected under the sun will cause it to bleed. I myself incurred in this error when replacing a glass from a Samsung phone I own. Without knowing I thought it was OK to leave it outside for the UV glue to dry quickly but 15 mins turned out to be too much time. After that the bottom of the screen started bleeding and became dark. The glass though was OK. No marks of cracks. The frame cracked in two places. Bottom near USB jack and the middle. I'm using it since. And it never stops bleeding. Its almost 3 months and it still bleeding. I can see its draining the liquid till the whole screen goes dark. Next time I'll use an UV lamp. No more ghetto diy repairs.

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After paying £80 for new screen a black blob appeared top corner of my iphone 6 when took it back to the shop the guy told me the phone had had a good bang to it or heavy pressure to cause it to bleed.this is totaly untrue i have been so careful with phone because paying so much.i have now got a thick black line half way across the top

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My brother has had the same issue. We have bought a new screen to fix it ourselves. Just so other people reading this thread can see the issue, here's some images of the damage:

The phone screen:

Block Image

Working part of the screen under a microscope:

Block Image

Two different damaged parts of the screen under a microscope (edge of the black blob):

Block Image

Block Image

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im not going to lie, i had bought a LCD screen for my iphone 5c, ME accidentally putting pressure on the bottom left screen, now my LCD screen is bleeding, don't know what to do, even tho the screen was 20$ on amazon "which not a big deal if i want another one" but it better then have a cracked screen, if there anyone who can fix this bleeding then you will be my hero.

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i also have a phone, its pretty disappointing to have this kind of ink thingy. But the most weirdest is I didnt do any crazy stuffs about my phone. its just doing the normal days like having a messenger, youtube and gaming then onetime a thin horizontal line crossed in my notification bar and it was pretty annoying that I have this. then 5 minute past it suddenly eat the whole notification bar an its growing. 10 minutes passed almost 10 lines are drawn in my LCD screen. And the most bad part is that my phone starts to do the static thingy. Like flashes.

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Hi yes it is possible this is due a faulty screen as happened to me a few weeks ago. My repaired explained that it was caused by a faulty screen and that he would fix phone for no extra costs

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Will the screen bleeding stop if you stop using the phone? I am a student and i dropped phone it has no crack but it started bleeding and it's spreading quite fast and im still saving up money to get it fix and im planning on trying to shut it down in the mean time and use my old phone. Does that mean if i stop using the phone will the bleeding also stop at the time being?

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