There are two sites that I look at.
[https://www.alisaler.com/|This] one has free downloads for a lot of different motherboards. Knowing the board model number helps when using the search function on the page. Unfortunately, your board doesn't show up nor any other Optiplex board either.
[https://www.badcaps.net/forum/troubleshooting-hardware-devices-and-electronics-theory/troubleshooting-desktop-motherboards-graphics-cards-and-pc-peripherals/bios-schematic-requests/97663-optiplex-micro-3050-5050-7050-d8-mff-sff-schematic-request?t=110911|This] one you have to join to download, which I haven't done as I don't need it day to day. I linked this page because it "might" be that the schematic linked for a 7050 will show the switch/LED part type and hopefully it is the same as the one used in your motherboard. Manufacturers often don't change these type of parts between models. Worth a look anyway.
Is there any info on the switch/LED itself?