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Versión actual por: Travesty


-Press the right windows key and the pause/break keys at the same time, select device manager and disable one of the video devices.
+Press the left windows key and the pause/break key at the same time, select device manager and disable one of the video devices.
In the tab that will open for each device is a tab called "details" searching those settings you can find the video device that's causing the problems, click on "Device description", a good start would be checking the "problem code", zeros are a good thing.



Editado por: Travesty


Press the right windows key and the pause/break keys at the same time, select device manager and disable one of the video devices.
-In the tab that will open for each device is a tab called "details" searching those settings you can find the video device that's causing the problems, click on "Device description" a good start would be checking the "problem code", zeros are a good thing.
+In the tab that will open for each device is a tab called "details" searching those settings you can find the video device that's causing the problems, click on "Device description", a good start would be checking the "problem code", zeros are a good thing.



Editado por: Travesty


Press the right windows key and the pause/break keys at the same time, select device manager and disable one of the video devices.
-In the tab that will open for each device is a tab called "details" searching those settings you can find the video device that's causing the problems, just click on Device description and select the "problem code", zeros are a good thing.
+In the tab that will open for each device is a tab called "details" searching those settings you can find the video device that's causing the problems, click on "Device description" a good start would be checking the "problem code", zeros are a good thing.



Editado por: Travesty


Press the right windows key and the pause/break keys at the same time, select device manager and disable one of the video devices.
-In the tab that will open for each device is a tab called "details" searching those settings you can find the video device that's causing the problems, just click on Device description and select, oh say the "problem code", zeros are a good thing.
+In the tab that will open for each device is a tab called "details" searching those settings you can find the video device that's causing the problems, just click on Device description and select the "problem code", zeros are a good thing.



Editado por: Travesty


Press the right windows key and the pause/break keys at the same time, select device manager and disable one of the video devices.
-In the tab that will open for each device is a tab called "details" searching those settings you can find the video device that's causing the problems, just click on Device description and select, oh say the "problem
-code" zeros are a good thing.
+In the tab that will open for each device is a tab called "details" searching those settings you can find the video device that's causing the problems, just click on Device description and select, oh say the "problem code", zeros are a good thing.



Aporte original por: Travesty


Press the right windows key and the pause/break keys at the same time, select device manager and disable one of the video devices.

In the tab that will open for each device  is a tab called "details" searching those settings you can find the video device that's causing the problems, just click on Device description and select, oh say the "problem

code" zeros are a good thing.

