Si sueltas el teclado en la esquina superior derecha, su botón de encendido podría bloquearse y el teclado no funcionará más.
¡Esta es una breve guía que te mostrará una manera fácil de hacerlo funcionar de nuevo!
Qué necesitas
Corta el aluminio abollado con tu cuchillo de corte. Es un poco complicado y tienes que usar un poco de fuerza para cortarlo, pero funcionará.
¡Ten cuidado con el cuchillo! ¡Puedes cortarte el dedo muy fácilmente!
Una vez que se corta el aluminio que estaba presionando el botón, se repara el dispositivo. No es necesario volver a armarlo. El proceso tarda entre 20 y 25 minutos, dependiendo de la abolladura.
Una vez que se corta el aluminio que estaba presionando el botón, se repara el dispositivo. No es necesario volver a armarlo. El proceso tarda entre 20 y 25 minutos, dependiendo de la abolladura.
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27 comentarios
This worked for me. Be Careful. I made it worse initially because the inside edge became rough with my hacking away. I ended up smoothing the edge with a stainless steel cuticle pusher. Also: Constantly blow the scrapings away so they don't get caught between the button and the edge.
Thanks for this idea. It worked great for me and saved the keyboard. My first idea was to try to fully disassemble the keyboard so I could bend the piece back out with pliers after removing the button. I probably would've destroyed the keyboard without fixing it without this simple idea.
It worked for me. Took an hour or so to carefully cut the alumunium around the button. It took quite long because I have a crappy cutter that will easily snapped its sharp point.
Eventually the click was starting to work. Didn't manage to cut deeper so the whole assembly is still stuck.
It worked! The dent is pressing the power button making it unmovable. Its was on that state until I changed batteries. Now scratched and dented but working. Apple design flaw.