Qué necesitas
Resumen del Video
Apaga el teclado, manteniendo presionado el botón de encendido durante al menos 3 segundos.
Abre "Preferencias del sistema...", "Bluetooth".
Para volver a montar el dispositivo, sigue estas instrucciones en orden inverso.
Para volver a montar el dispositivo, sigue estas instrucciones en orden inverso.
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4 comentarios
I bought a wireless keyboard at a flea market. When pairing I was able to enter all numbers, but the "Enter" key does not react. Is there some way to test the button?
Same for me. The problem was the enter key: there are 2 switches down the key but only the top one is pressed and this is broken. I removed the key, put a plastic spacer on the second switch and reassembled the key, all ok now.
ho provato a resettarla ma niente da fare funziona solo parzialmente .l’ho collegata all’iPad 11 pro e funziona perfettamente